Saturday, July 6, 2019

Boy Scout Summer Camp

I am really sad that I was unable to go with the boys on this summer camp, but other duties were more pressing at home.  Glad they were able to go this week anyway, as this was the first of two weeks in a row where they were away from us at the house.  So I guess from the stories I heard, I will share a few words in hopes that Sam and Davis can share the more complete stories.
...I heard a tale of Sam being blasted off of "The Blob" (the large pillow that one person jumps on and launches another into the lake) and as Sam flew into the air, he went upside down, then landed on a kayaker.  I don't think Sam tried this again.
...I heard from Davis that the climb to the top of the blob is a 2 story scary climb
...The boys went white water rafting down the Nantahala...threw axes and at night (Dutch Blitz)...Davis trying foods with the leaders (pickled egg, sardines)



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