Sunday, July 28, 2019

Mentor/Mentee Lunch

This was our first year to begin a mentor program at church ("The Bridge"), and it went pretty well.  We had about 10 Jr/Sr High students paired up with mentors with different assignments throughout the year to connect them to others.  Magan worked with Haleigh, and Sam worked with Darrell Baker.  I know both of them really enjoyed the program, and I believe everyone else did as well. 
For the end of the mentor year lunch, we had lots of pizza, and a word game to see which group could figure out the most word puzzles.  That prize went to Terry and Josh Baker.  After dinner I played a game similar to the Newly Wed Game where they were each asked questions about each other, and total score was based on how well they knew each other...Questions such as...If your mentee was wandering in the wilderness, and had a manna alergy, what food would they request that they would have to eat every day? ...or Where in church do you usually sit? ...or If you and your mentee were walking thru the woods and came across a bear, would you A. run away (you are faster than them) B. Charge the bear (You are brave) or C. Stand Still and hope the bear doesn't see you
In the end it was Wesley and Landry taking the prize...which was a Hulk Pez with some noise makers, with which they were made to sing (or attempt to sing) "We are the Champions" while holding high their pez trophy.  I don't know about everyone else, but it made me laugh.  

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