Saturday, July 13, 2019

Florida College Camp

This was the boys first year for the Florida College camp, and I knew they had a good time when Sam told me he would pick this over the scout camp.  I asked the boys for some stories from this camp and here are the random ideas they shared...sam was happy to be introduced to 9 square...floor was about to fall in during concert (they may want to look into fixing that issue)...The line to drop off the boys was crazy long...davis loved all of the crafts...sam played lots of gaga ball...Sam and Davis loved making a whirlpool in the swimming pool as everyone moved in a circle...80s night, Davis wore a karate kid shirt and Sam wore a Rocky shirt...Davis told me he wore flip flops to basketball, not a good idea...Davis really liked night swimming...Davis said that he and Grant and Jacob came up with an "I love chicken nugget" song under the bed, which appears to be more funny if you were there...then I remember picking the boys up thinking that they had already eaten, but they were starving, so cracker barrel was a great meal on our way home.  


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