Thursday, October 31, 2019


Happy Halloween.  This year we had Mal and Evie from the Descendants movie, please don't ask me who is who.  Then Sam and Davis are new "The Office" fans, so Sam was Michael Scott, Davis was Dwight Shrute, I was Jim Halpert, and Magan of course was Pam Besley.  Davis was awesome and stayed in character the whole trunk or treat.  We also had an AHG event that the girls went to, and on actual Halloween night, we went to the Rawls neighborhood and trick or treated there...I decided to be Captain America on that night.  Ruby chose that over Gaston.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Helena Hollow Field Trip

Yes, you will see that it is special.  Perhaps the first time both Magan AND I are at the field trip.  Magan keeps reminding me "This is the last time"...for this and that.  And she is right, I won't have any more opportunities for kindergarten field trips.  It is a little sad, but that is life.  I loved watching little Ru on this day, and capturing so many smiles.  She liked the wall, and liked the obstacle course, and liked the slides, and liked picking a pumpkin, and liked rolling in a giant pipe....but more than anything else, SHE LOVED playing in the corn.  And I found many many more selfies of her and her friends, but decided to stick with just one below for the blogs.