Saturday, October 12, 2019

AHG Fall Campout - Around Monte Sano

Wow, you guys should have seen the car on this trip.  Anabelle is in the back of the van, and not even visible.  Luckily on our way up to Monte Sano for the campout, we were able to drop off Sam and Davis in Cullman, then had a little more room on our way up.  Sam and Davis went to some pumpkin farm with the Sartins while we were camping for a couple of nights.  And as we made it up to Monte Sano a little early, we were able to stop by Marcus to see him and Emily. 
At the campsite, we were the first ones there...and quickly put up the 10 man monster tent (that thing is so nice...not only for the size, but how quickly we can have it up).  Our trip was a night at the state park on Friday, then off to the Space and Rocket Center on Saturday, then back for one more night at the park. 
Friday night was nice as we arrived, and relaxed as the girls began playing with others as they arrived.  We had a nice campfire and made smores.  We also had glow necklaces and simulated the size of the solar system around the campfire sun.  Anabelle and Kessa made the solar system around a dead bush earlier in the evening.  Saturday morning was COLD and rainy.  We ended up eating our breakfast in the tent as it rained cold cold rain outside. 
On the second night after the Rocket Center, we went to the Von Braun Planetarium.  Dear me, planetariums always seems like fun, but they are NOT.  Weird, I love space, I love the rocket center...but constellations, looking at galaxies, using a telescope...BORING!  Someone captured me in that planetarium almost asleep.  I think the girls liked it...maybe a little...the telescopes helped them see very close to the moon, but everyone seemed to report back to me like I report on the planetarium...yeah, great, another picture of a solar system, and a constellation some drunken greeks thought looked like a king. 
On Sunday morning, we did our normal Paperplate awards...and I think Ruby got the "Best song leader when Rinoa is not around" and she really was...that girl led the whole troop in a couple of fun songs.  Anabelle got "Best double glowstick twirler".  I got to be the paperplate name awarder, so it is always fun to try and capture some funny awards for each of the girls, ehhh, it least it is fun for me.  And before we left the site, I walked to the Japanese garden with the girls and we tried to take some beautiful posed photos for mom, but I don't think she was impressed.  Actually Magan was about to die with back pains during this campout. 
And on the way home, we stopped at Denny's and shared a moment or two as this was the first date place for one Scott and Magan.  I saw the booth that we first shared, and remembered Misty Williams as our server and inviting us to "The Philidelphia Story" play at Wallace...which was to be our 2nd date.  Our server on this day was not as nice.   


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