Saturday, October 5, 2019

Granddaddy Work Day

I still don't know how we made it thru this work day with no pictures of all the work that was done.  Granddaddy came down to help me with the back porch steps and worked some major magic to get our stairs replaced, and much of the wood that was falling apart replaced.  I really have zero skills in woodworking, and it was nice to have him there to hopefully pass on some of these skills to Sam and Davis.  We all got to use the nail gun, and I am pretty sure Sam was running the saw for a little while. 
I remember various workdays when I was younger watching my dad with PawPaw and Kenny...I loved getting to use the hammer every once and awhile, then having to have my dad pull the nail out and clean up my mistakes.  And funny thing is that still happened on this work day.  And on top of that ...hahaha... I actually did destroy my windshield in the van on this day.  Loading the lumber in the van, I thought I could shut the door, which was true, but when I shut pushed all of the lumber into the windshield busting it to where I had to replace it the next week. 
Anyway, it was a great day to spend with my dad, and thankful he was here to clean up my woodworking mistakes.  :)  No work pics, but I did find two that work just as well for a blog of this day.  

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