Sunday, October 6, 2019

AHG - Rockets and Brazil

I love these AHG girls, and love my little Explorer and Pathfinder.  At this meeting, Anabelle was able to present some information on the country of Brazil, and apparently they dress like Thing 1 and 2 from the Cat in the Hat.  She did really well, and spoke up so all could hear well.  After the meeting, and in preparation for the upcoming campout near the Space Center, I brought some rockets to shoot.  We had 9 engines and an assortment of about 7 different rockets to shoot.  We only came home with 5 different rockets, but hey, sometimes the wind just doesn't blow the right way. 
We let the Brazilian team shoot off the first set of rockets, then some birthday girls the second set, and my little pathfinder was able to shoot the rocket that was named pathfinder.  I had one new little friend that melted my heart.  Nevaeh (Heaven spelled backwards) was a little shy, but you could tell she wanted to shoot the rocket, and I pulled her in to help.  Later that week, I happened to see her and her grandmother at Walmart, and she ran up and gave me a big hug.  I will remember that hug for a long time, and those are the reasons I love working with the scouts and AHG girls...don't get as many hugs from those boys.  

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