Friday, March 6, 2020

Sam's E-Day...He spend it with Me...

So when I first heard about Eday, I thought it was Engineering Day, so I told Sam he should come hang out with me for the day.  Ha, then I found out it was actually an "E-Learning" day, and he just got the whole day off to hang out at home with online assignments.  But when I asked, he still wanted to come hang out with me.  Which was pretty cool, as his mom had a field trip with Davis, and he actually had the whole house to himself if he stayed home. 

So there are no pictures of this day, but it was one I wanted to capture, because it really meant a lot that he still wanted to come hang out with his dad.  We both really had busy days, but it was cool getting to work with him.  Kinda like working with my kid brother for a semester when he was cooping in Birmingham. 

Our day began at ChickFilA, as all great days do begin.  At work, I immediately got him hooked up on the guest wireless so he could start on his work and I could start on mine.  He got the great middle breakroom office with a view of I459 and the Summit...actually probably would of the best views of all the buildings.  So he hung out there till lunch, where we went to MooYah for a burger...He said it didn't quite meet the 5 guys top standard of his.  I put it slightly below Freddy's.  But he got to hang out with me, Stacy, Robert, and Andrew...and the crazy talk of middle aged men. 

That afternoon, we went to see Cezary Zieba who gave Sam an overview of Electrical Engineering, then before leaving we met with Robert to see the IT networking backbone of the two buildings at the colonnade.  Robert was impressed that Sam just jumped right in with questions on the firewalls and switches we use for border protection. 

After work, we stopped by the FedEx place for what took way longer than it should to make one copy of a document I wanted for Honduras...then they said they could make additional copies for $22/each.  Wow, it is at times like these, that I really have a feeling that the office depot and fedex store workers are really just a front for some other business, as they don't seem to really know about making copies.  Perhaps they are all Russians.

And finally, probably the main reason Sam came with me, but something I thought would not happen because of rain early in the day...we made it to the Inverness Frisbee Golf course.  Neither Sam or I had ever done this, but luckily ran into a guy who after some brief instructions, and realizing we needed to start from the beginner tee boxes...we started off.  It was not pretty, but it was very fun. Hole 18 was definitely the signature hole, with a required layup and then toss over the creek into the hole.  But mine went into the creek...and my good son went in after it.  No lost Frisbees, and not too bad of scores for a first time (Dad at 81, Sam at 91). 

And that was the end of E-day...And this was just slightly before the COVID-19 I still remember being proud of Sam going in making eye contact and reaching out to shake hands...but everyone hesitantly instead giving fist bumps.  It was neat to have him there as my son, but a day together also as just a good friend.  

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