Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Big Kaboom from Afar

So in 13 years of blogging, it is somewhat intentional that I don't typically include pictures of people other than our family in these blogs.  For one, Magan takes SO MANY pictures, and gets other families in so many of our pictures like she is taking a photo shoot for them, and they will never even see these pictures she takes.  And two, I am limited to the number of pictures in the blog books, and we are already up to three per year.  But with that being said, I will include the Deans, Baileys and Rawls in the first ones below.  The Baileys are new to our group, but have jumped right in.  But the Rawls and the Deans are true friends, and ones that I can't imagine not being a part of our family.  We all know each other well, we know each others weaknesses, our strengths and our kids have all grown up together.  As I write Linley Rawls is playing with Belle...Davis is over with Lauren Rawls...And all of our families have signed up marriage agreements for the children, and I think we have it all worked out. 
Anyway, due to the COVID situation, we decided to avoid the Big Kaboom where we typically watch the fireworks for Chelsea.  And Crystal Dean found the perfect spot.  We just took over the Church of God parking lot.  John helped us jam out to 90s alternative rock, and the kids played KanJam, and laid out blankets for the fireworks.  My favorite memory was connecting with little Bennet as I would try to block his Frisbee toss into the Kan, love that little laughter.  And Ruby loved her tattoo, as she wore it for the next week.  If you look close in the "One Crazy Summer" blog, you just might see it elsewhere.   And back to these good friends of ours...this is an event that we have pictures of our kids when it really was just a little Kaboom over at Chelsea Park.  Time goes by so fast, but with friends like these, it does make the moments seem to last forever. 

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