Tuesday, June 30, 2020

One Crazy Summer

So what all was happening during the month of June...While working at home, I try to keep the kids off "their screens" for a large portion of the day.  But one day in responding to the request to go to the pool, I replied to Ruby that is would be one more hour.  "How much is one hour" she asked.  It is about the same as watching two episodes of "Jessie" I replied.  She then smiled, and asked "So I can watch two episodes of Jessie now".  Hmmm, it made sense to her...Ruby still looks up at me with her "Really?" everytime I say something crazy...

And one of the saddest moments in my life as a Dad happened this month...Ruby came up to me after a discussion about going to Disney World and having fun seeing all the characters.  "Dad, Mickey Mouse has just got someone inside him, right?  It is just a costume?"  I couldn't answer, I just dodged about all the fun we have with the characters.  But Magan overheard, and we both just went into our rooms and cried.  Our baby is almost out of the magic.  That is a reason why Disney works so well, is that even as an adult, the magic is still there...while you are away, it slowly drifts away, then as you get older the magic of being a kid just slowly slips away.  I have fond memories of my action figures as a kid, and I remember how real they were.  Oh well, we have a few holiday magic things that I hope we can hold onto.  And as I watch those girls with their barbies...and those critters...I can almost see the barbies talking to one another, and I am pretty sure I saw the critters scamper into their tree home the other day when I walked by...and Belle and I are both pretty sure that Pod, Homily and Arrietty may be living in the girls room "borrowing" things periodically...

What else is below...I guess I missed some of the Frisbee golf pics...but look at the one below with Davis in it, Magan was taking a pano picture, and she noticed that is made his bottom look triple the size, ahahahaha, we had fun laughing about this picture on that day...Sam finished his model ship that he had been working on for about a year.  He really did great painting each and every little section, that guy is super patient with stuff like this...Magan took lots of pictures of our food she cooked during quarantine, I kept a few...Ruby made the Great Glass Elevator of willy wonka, and excitedly told us all about it...Some pictures of Andrew Rawls on the hoverboard, right before he broke his arm on the hoverboard...Belle made masks for her babies, and Magan cut the babies hair, so the girls could have a boy baby....Wednesday night church started back...Ruby now goes everywhere in the house on the hoverboard...Davis learned to knit via youtube...Anabelle had a fashion show after an AHG meeting on clothing, she actually made all of these Barbie outfits from some old material...Both Belle and Ruby are now doing photo sessions for the critters and barbies (below are some of my favorites)...and lunch at Freddy's when Belle and I said it at the same time (Woah!)...and just some random old photos that made it onto Magan's phone this last month.

And one last story of trash chicken that is shown in one picture below.  Magan had made some chicken that was good, but a little too spicy.  It was eaten well, but then stayed in the fridge, and no one would ever eat it for leftovers.  So she decided to thro it in the garbage, then she thought I can mix that with some rice and soup and make a pretty good soup.  Which would have been fine, except for the fact that Sam saw her pulling it out of the garbage for our lunch that day.  She would have never told us, and we would have never known about the trash chicken.  She had a good excuse about it lying untainted on plastic within the can, but Sam had seen his momma pull it out and never even tried it.  Sam's face and his describing this event is priceless...It was like he was learning about his mother for the first time...who she really was...hahaha.   Me and the others...we tried it and we loved it.  It tasted even better than when it was non-trash.  The picture below was even as I finished the trash chicken up as leftovers...I sprinkled it with a little extra trash...the children thought this was funny, but I think Magan was tired about hearing it referred to as trash chicken.  Fortunately for me, she does not read these blogs, so hopefully I am ok capturing the saga of trash chicken.  Actually makes me wonder what other surprises Magan has cooked up for us...But it sure tastes good!



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