Monday, August 31, 2020

Court of Honor...Outside and in Class Bs

We were finally able to have a Court of Honor to celebrate many of the boys achievements from early in 2020, but also many of them had been working hard during the quarantine.  Sam and Brandon helped coordinate the event as the Senior Patrol Leaders.  But at this COH, Davis was working on his communications merit badge, so he was able to officiate the meeting.  Both of the boys did an excellent job, and continue to be good leaders for troop 354.  As shown in a couple of the pictures, the scouts traded elbow bumps instead of the traditional scout handshake.  And this was the first outdoor COH for troop 354, and also the first where they were able to wear the class B t-shirts, instead of full Class A.  

Sunday, August 30, 2020

American Heritage Girls Begin the Year

For our very first orientation meeting, Magan began her second year leading Troop 1720, and this year they have a motto of CHOSEN.  Magan had some excellent ideas that were shared to the girls around how paint brushes are used, and how they each have a special function.  They are all chosen for a job, and we can look at the paintbrushes to see if they are being used, and we can see often the many ways they are used.  The challenge for these AHG girls is to be a paintbrush and let God use them to color the world in service.  

One example at orientation was to let the littler girls (Ruby and Ansley) paint a picture on a wall, but then they could only do so much.  One of the explorers could paint a bit higher, and one of the PiPas could paint even higher.  But to paint the top, Ruby had to get onto one of the PiPas (Emily) shoulders to paint at the top.  Working together, we can reach the top.  Great job troop leader Mrs. Magan!  

At the first official troop meeting, Anabelle officiated the meeting and ran the flag ceremony.  Her friend Linley opened the troop meeting in prayer, and Ruby led the American Flag at the ceremony.  We learned about the American Flag, so I got to teach the girls about Flag Etiquette and how to fold the flag.  Then we decorated some flag noise makers, and probably had the loudest rendition of the Star Spangled Banner ever heard.  "An american heritage Dad I will be, an american heritage Dad...That's me".  But not just me, I think we have a family that loves this group of girls.  

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Still Swimming...

Ok, I was just surprised to get to another lot of swimming pictures this month, so I figured they could have a blog on their own.  It's funny, I remember a time when I enjoyed this activity, but wow, glad to see the smiles, even more glad for their momma taking them on these adventures.  

Good Hope Football

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Bathroom Remodel

Just a few pictures I saw in the pack of our remodeling.  At this point we still do not have glass doors, but I will admit we have tried the shower anyway, and it is so much bigger.  It is actually pretty weird this week not having Rick and Erica in our house doing some sort of work in the bathroom.  They have just become another part of the family for the last month.  I am pretty sure the pictures will help tell the story of all the fun we had...surely Magan will remember the border tile debacle. I am sure we will have a final product picture next month.