Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Six Flags with the Whole Crew

When I purchased the season passes for me and the boys in December, I did not think 2020 would have us somewhat scared to come to Six Flags, but I had brought the boys in July, and felt pretty comfortable with the sanitizing stations and, well, emptiness of the park so that we decided to make a trip over with the whole family.  I was sad last time that Anabelle did not come with me, and made me ride all by myself a lot.  Our season passes came with a golden ticket each, so all the girls got in free with our passes.
The parks are only open from 12 to 6 during the shortened COVID season, which was nice because we didn't have to wake up as early.  And our adventure began early when after a stop at the Georgia Welcome Center, we left with a low tire alarm.  I stopped at the next exit and checked the pressure, and found it to be only 20 psi.  Knowing that a trip to the tire repair shop would completely ruin our day, I decided to chance it, and pumped the tire to 45 psi, and got back on the interstate.  We made it to Six Flags with no further trouble, and were reading still 30 psi as we parked in the parking lot...so I kinda knew that our last ride at Six Flags would be that fun change your tire ride.  But we made it, so we could enjoy the day before worrying about the ride home. 
So I must say that six flags is great for the rides, and the lines all day were no longer than 10 minutes...but should you have any desire to get food or drink, get ready for a wait.  It amazes me how people somehow get to a counter where the options on the menu can be counted on one hand....and they can not see to figure it out.  And the one high schooler running the cash register and cooking the food, has very limited time to pour refills.  SERENITY NOW!  The food lines were really ridiculous, but I paid $30 and got two meals, one snack, and unlimited drinks all day...so I probably shouldn't complain. 
Ruby and I rode the scrambler together while everyone else walked right onto the BATMAN ride.  Her little giggles were precious.  And crazy that our wait for this ride was longer than the BATMAN wait.  We also began with the Monster Plantation, one that I think is a pretty nice little ride, but apparently everyone has already outgrown it.  Ruby rode her first roller coaster...The Scream Machine, and out of everything in this full day...I truly think riding that ride is the most dangerous thing at six flags...seriously, there is some nostalgia, but at some point they have to tear that thing down.  It is painful to ride.  Ruby liked it tho. 
After being together most of the day, we finally broke up to let Ruby ride some kid rides while me, Sam, Davis and Belle rode a few roller coasters, but we quickly got back together to hit the water rides.  On the Carousel, Magan said that Ruby held her hands up for just a moment, but quickly grabbed the pole back because it was going TOO HIGH.  And she loved driving the cars...I think Magan took her driving 3 times.  We got to ride Thunder River twice, and Magan and Davis got soaked.  Sam and I got a little wet, and Belle didn't get but a drop or two. 
As we were leaving I kept the girls, while Magan went and tried my favorite coaster, Twisted Cyclone.  And Davis is just laughing in the picture below, because Magan could not stop laughing and screaming...she agrees with me...BEST RIDE at Six Flags!  Haha...looking at the pics below I remember on the log ride, I tried to raise my hands at the end, and Ruby had them in a death grip going down that last drop.  :)  And after asking the crew for funny stories, they all talked about crazy times on the rides with the masks.  Haha...Davis masks blew over his eyes on Goliath, Belle had to catch hers from falling on the Superman ride (she did not like that one), and Ruby said hers almost went into her mouth on the Scream Machine. 
And as you can see below...the tire was on the ground when we got back to the van, but with Sam and Davis, we changed it in about 30 minutes.  And probably not recommended, but I rode the tube back to Chelsea...I did keep the speed less than 60.  And Express Oil patched it up the next day.  So that is the end of our Pre-Back to School Adventure.  


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