Thursday, August 13, 2020

Back to School (Baby Steps...)

It has been a wild year, and the new school year just added to the craziness.  We were first afraid that school would not start back, then confused about what to do when it did start back.  Do we keep them going virtual, or send them along with the masses?  Magan and I had some thoughts to just leave them as virtual, but the kids all wanted to go back (except for maybe Davis), so we just went with it.  

The schools started back one week late, but then started as in classroom on Mon/Tues, and virtual for the rest of the week.  We have currently found that the kids are overloaded because they get the normal school load, but then also everything the totally virtual students are getting.  Anyway, next week (writing this on 9/12/20) they start back going a full 5 days a week.  And then we just watch the COVID cases, and check and adjust as needed.  

But to the fun stuff...We have a happy little 1st Grader, that has Mrs Sulenski as her teacher, and her new next door neighbor BFF Leyton is in the same class.  Anabelle is in the 5th Grade, and her last year at FOES...she has Mrs. Patterson and no changing classes this year.  Davis is in the 8th grade, and loves that he has Band in the first of the day.  And Sam is in 10th grade, and running into one of my worst math subjects to help with...Algebra II.  While this year has been difficult for many people, the kids being at home, even during the middle of a busy conference call, I have loved every minute, and miss these guys truly.  

I get to to watch them get on the bus each morning, and get hugs from each one.  Love those guys, and while I don't Forest Gump wait, I do start listening for the bus around 3:15 also.  This morning I told Ruby that her sister had always waved to me when she got on the bus, then I told her again when she went outside, then as she was walking down to the bus, I reminded her that I would be waving to her.  And what do you know, she got on the bus and I got to see that little hand waving back at me.  No prompting at all.  :)

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