Saturday, August 1, 2020

Visit with Uncle John and Aunt Shay

The epic slip and slide day that had been talked about all year was finally here.  After 365 days of remembering how awesome this slide was, and then many days for John to improve it even was finally here.  My crew had not been there for the previous epic adventure, but we knew of this slide and this day as many people know about Thanksgiving...for it had been told and shared for months and months.  As I drove up to meet Magan coming over from Colby's, I had in mind the visit of Squanto, an a meal of maize, while pilgrims lathered up in soap and slid down the hill of fellowship. 
I have absolutely no idea what I am writing, nor do I care to try and remove that, but it was a great day of family, pizza, and slip n sliding.  You can see where the slide began, but as that grass got slick, the slide starting to continue onto the patio area.  As many of us and our knees can attest, is not a type of burn you want to have.  I don't really have any stories, as the pictures and the smiles pretty much tell the story. 
I do know that Sam was unable to go until after all of the other kids had gone, as he had a horrible poison ivy outbreak.  And after he went down twice smiling, but ready to call it quits because it was awkward going on his own, I decided to jump in with him, and me and Sam put on a show for the others.  Sam surfing down on his feet at one face planting on time...and some exciting racing going on.  John jumped back into the group and showed us how it was done a few times.  And for some reason, I had tremendous jaw pain...but others were just like me...I guess we were all clenching our teeth...weird and painful feeling...that I was still feeling the next morning. 
The drive home was eventful as Sam took us back to Granny and Granddaddy's, then after dropping MawMaw off, my van's lights all came on, and I realized I was about 2.5 quarts low of oil...NOT GOOD.  We made it home luckily, and the next day had it looked at, but no issues...probably the low oil perhaps.  I think everyone went down except for Granddaddy, MawMaw, Ivey, and Mark...but no one was really keeping up with who did not go down.  

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