Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Sep-TIMBER...Around the House

What does the title mean?  I have no idea, just trying to change it up a what is going on this month...Belle started Volleyball, yes again, it was cancelled in the spring due to the quarantine...Belle and her momma have decorated for Halloween, get this, ON LABOR DAY...Our bathroom is FINISHED....Painting day at Mrs Dawn's...Fun with our new neighbors Leyton and Sophie...Dress up days at Jr/Sr High...The Scouts attend town hall meeting, Sam led the pledge and accepted the Chelsea gifts from the mayor...Ruby loses her first tooth...Davis goes junk shopping on Bulk Trash Pick Up Day (No he did not bring home the Lloyd Dobler boombox, but all sorts of other "treasures")...Sam goes with the Browns to the Atrox factory...and bike riding at OMSP with Brandon.  

And a Ruby story...She was looking at her tinkerbell dress that she had wanted to wear to church, but had never gotten an opportunity because it had a ripped.  She was looking at the dress so sad and told Magan that she almost got to wear it one Sunday, but they had to stay home that day.  It was a weekend where I was out of town, and Magan's heart was acting up.  So with a sad face, she looked up at Magan and said "We should have a funeral for this dress".  Then she said "I will say a prayer".  Then right into it "I pledge allegiance to the United States of America...".  Ruby then cracked up laughing, with Magan not know what was going on.  "You remember that movie mom, where that old lady said the prayer like that?" perhaps a slight on our parenting skills, and movie selection, but Magan said it was a pretty funny conversation.  

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Dad's Birthday

So I made it to the year of 41.  The light ahead of me is definitely brighter than the one behind, but in between those bookends, I love watching the little lights that shine so bright around me.  I use these blogs to capture the memories, but also to let my wonderful family know how much I love them, and how much they make me happy each day.  My little princess just turned 7, my sweet Belle still reaches up and gives me unexpected kisses, my kind Dave never forgets a hug each night before bed, and my oldest friend Sam still laughs at my jokes that are slowly getting worse.  My beautiful bride knows me well, and gifted me with my two favorite cakes, and an egg cooker.  :)  It was nice to share this birthday at the Rawls house, with our grandma/grandpa in Chelsea (Darrell and Barbara Baker).  And nice this year to get three rounds of birthday wishes on facebook, to which magan rolls her eyes, but that is my type of makes me smile and laugh.  It is in that fun combination that this 41 year old sometimes still feels like he is 10.