Friday, September 25, 2020

Pritom Been

We began sponsoring Pritom when Sam was just 5 years old, and we picked a little boy with the same birthday as Sam. So we have been praying for Pritom, and collecting the cards from our friend in Bangladesh for 10 years.  It has been fun watching him grow, seeing his sad looks, seeing his smiles.  Our yearly gift would sometimes bring him a bicycle (smiles) and sometimes bring him a writing desk (sad).  Recently, Pritom's home area of Mymensingh graduated as his community is thriving, and the children are doing much better in the area.  Pritom's last letter to us, he told us he wanted to be a teacher one day.  He was very thankful as the money provided had helped him finally get his own bed.  He told us of the "Winter Cakes" that he loves in his country and wishes we could try them.  I have saved all of these precious letters, and perhaps one day our paths with cross again.  It is a smaller and smaller world. 

From our first letter...Pritom lives with his parents and 1 brother.  He is growing up in a rural farming community in Bangledesh.  Homes are usually constructed of bamboo with metal roofs and dirt floors.  Families eat rice, fish and any vegetables they can afford.  The climate in this region varies, with temperatures in the 90s and as low as 48 degrees.  The rainy season brings large floods, which help the rice crops grow.  Rice is the major crop of this country.  Pritom is in primary school and he enjoys studying the national language.  He helps at home with the gardening.  He likes to play soccer.  

Well, he is still playing soccer, altho his letters mention that he picked up cricket as well.  And the last picture we have he mentioned the receipt of the bed.  And again it was all smiles...and the picture sits right next to our new sponsored child, a pretty brown eyed 4 year old from Campamento, Honduras...Eloisa.  


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