Sunday, September 27, 2020

AHG Awards Day

Our spring AHG awards day was postponed due to COVID, but the girls were finally able to get some new badges and have an official ceremony.  I am so proud of both of these girls and the work they are doing with the troop, and proud of their smoking hot troop leader.  Both Anabelle and Ruby earned the Presidential bronze award for the number of service awards, so they received a medal and a letter of thanks from President Trump.  Belle told me that his signature is worse than mine.  

Also Ruby finally was able to "cross over" into Tenderhearts, so she finally gets a red vest to put her badges on.  Her and Helen are the best of buddies, and 2 of only three in their group.  Anabelle is an explorer again this year, and her group is easily the largest.  Magan just loves getting to speak at these events (kidding), but she did an excellent job, telling several fun stories from the girls.  She has been an excellent troop leader, and will serve one more year for this role.  






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