Saturday, December 5, 2020

AHG Funtimes

This month included the AHG veterans day event for the Sommerby senior living complex.  This is typically an opportunity for the girls to interact and give gifts to the residents, but this year changed alot of our interactions.  Instead, the girls sang some songs outside, then marched past many of the windows where they could wave at the residents that were unable to come outside.  The girls then drew messages on the concrete walkways outside to share their appreciation for veterans, and love in the community.  My favorite picture from below shows many of the people inside that were watching the girls thru the windows.  Maybe next year, we can be back together inside with them.

This month also included a fun event with Ms. Lisa who came and spoke to the group about involvement with the Jr Vulcan Society, and experiences of getting involved with local leadership groups.  They loved painting pictures of Vulcan.  

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