Saturday, April 17, 2021

AHG Spring Campout - Noccalula Falls

I had somehow got out of campout planner role for this AHG campout, so it was nice to not have to push for a certain agenda.  And I found out quickly, that this camping weekend was what I really needed at this point.  This was exciting to go back to Noccalula, as we had not been there since Anabelle was a little baby.  And never had we camped here, which was clear when we arrived and drove all over the place to find the campground, finally getting instructions from the people at the Attraction Park entrance.  

After getting camp set up, I went out for my normal camping dinner plans.  And this place was wonderful.  Only 5 minutes to a Jacks, so supper was perfect, and quick.  They should always build fast food places this close to campgrounds.  The first night is always more laid back with everyone arriving at different times.  This campsite fit our girls really well, and we had the largest groups we have ever had.  I think I prepared about 25 paper plate awards.  Anabelle again set up her own tent, but she was right beside us.  Magan and Ruby had the queen size mattress, and I had my normal airpad within the big 10 man tent.  

In the morning, I did try to be a good camper by heating some water for the "meals in a bag", but while I did bring the new small stove from the boys, I forgot to bring a fuel cannister.  Well I brought one that was empty.  But we were able to borrow some hot water to have a sampling of crunchy eggs and chewy hashbrowns.  But I did not have to make a Jacks run, so I thought we did well.  Later, the girls broke up into their squads, so I went with Ruby, and Magan went with Belle.  Ruby made a 3X3 square to look at all the different things in the soil and grass.  I don't know what Belle did, but Mrs. Sharon had made them all really cool journals to write down all the wildlife things they saw on the campout.  We also had a girl and her family wander over to the tenderhearts...and she was actually a tenderheart in an AHG troop from Mississippi.  So she joined in the squad activity.  

As we were waiting for the older girls to finish up, I had some orbees that had been soaking up with water overnight, and the tenderhearts had an orbee war.  Magan came over and we attacked her with orbees at one time.  Always good to have orbees at the campout

The hike to the waterfall was next, and I was so glad my knees were working well this weekend, because I began one of the longest hikes ever.  We began by taking the trail from our campground down to another trail that went to the falls, but on our way down, we missed that trail, and walked down all the way to the water.  It was really nice down by the water, but then we started trying to navigate along the river and it was NOT easy.  Especially for two of the moms.  Then after a few struggles, we realized we were NOT on the trail...which was back UP higher.  Up we went to the trail, and then on our way to the falls.  It was at this point, Magan said that some of the moms could make it to the falls, but not back, so they needed a quick way back.  I told her that I know they used to have stairs on the other side of the falls, but again, we have not been her in about 10 years, so I have no idea if there is an easier way to get out.  So..."knowing" their was a staircase on the other side of the falls, I decided to take a vehicle to pick up anyone on that side that could not make it back.  I went on a hike back to the campground, then drove to the other side of the falls, waved the Magan and the girls from the top of the falls, then realized my plan would not work, because the stairs were beyond the attraction park entrance that was gated with a lock.  But now I was by myself and wanted to be with the girls at the waterfall, and to tell the ones coming to this side of the waterfall that they could not get to the staircase.  So I looked around and jumped the fence into the park entrance (granted this was breaking in, I would fully pay for myself and 50 other people that I felt somewhat justified).  Now that I had broken in, I went to where I remember the path to the staircase was, and guess what, it was now blocked off, so I jumped another fence (I don't know, at this point, I was all in).  And walked to where I remembered the path was...and there it was...with a large GATE blocking the way to the staircase that was now marked as DANGEROUS.   So I felt like I only had one option at this point, I climbed some rocks on the side of the gate and made my way over the gate on onto the DANGEROUS staircase.  Then down the stairs and over one last barrier that I turned to read "DO NOT ENTER".  And then I met up with the front people on our group that had just made it around the falls.  I told them about this entrance not being an option, so we all headed back under the water fall, where I finally was able to meet up with Magan and the girls.  But then I knew that we were late to lunch, and would miss out on time in the park since no one had purchased the tickets yet, so I ran the trail one more time, climbed back out, ran to my car, drove to the park entrance, bought 50 tickets, and came back to camp towards the end of lunch, but in time to distribute to all their park tickets.  I wish I would have had a step counter, or perhaps a felony counter.  

Finally making our way to the Attractions, we began by waiting for the train ride, then spent some time at the petting zoo area.  Gone is the lion they had here when Belle was a baby, but they had lots of other animals, including a baby alligator to pet (Sadly, The petting zoo barn had a fire last weekend killing about 75 of the animals inside).  The girls must have loved this area, because we stayed here a long time.  After that, we went to climb thru the rocks looking for the fat man squeeze.  While we did not find it, we did find what many of the girls called a dead end, and I challenged them to find a way out, and they did.  I was so proud of them.  Sara Beth and Kessa made it up near the front of the pack.  I stayed at the bottom and helped the girls up, but those other girls helped pull them up when needed.  I loved watching them rise to the challenge.  Even little Ruby made it up getting skinned up from a minor fall.  Later we did see the fat man squeeze...I got my picture there...but I am glad we found the "dead end".  After our tiring climbs, we found a frios popsicle stand for a cold treat.  And after one last round on the train, we headed over to play putt putt.  Magan left us to get ready for the troop dinner, but me and the girls played all 18, even playing many over and over again.  The girls will remember hitting many into the water, and having to scoop them out.  

Our troop dinner that has become tradition was the "Tacos in a Bag".  Always a good dinner, and pretty easy to put together.  I was selected to be the M.C. for the campfire, and we had a great event.  The Tenderhearts did a skit about a loon, the Explorers did a dance to Cotton Eye Joe, then another group of explorers (with Anabelle) did the Invisible Bench skit.  The PIPAs had a really funny skit enhanced by the acting skills of the Angell girls.  I shared with them the indian story of Nocalula, with lots of hand motions.  And we passed out a couple of paper plate awards for the ones leaving that night.  Smores...of Course.  

The next morning is one that I typically spend cleaning up and getting packed up, but we had no real driver to get back quick, so I brought my leatherworking tools and kit over to the fire area, and started showing the girls how to make some leather using symbols to tell a story as the native americans once did.  And all of the sudden I was surrounded with girls wanting to work on this project.  It is moments like these that I love being a part of the scouts, and now a part of AHG.  Surrounded by kids excited to learn something new, and use it in a fun activity.  I only had two hammers, but the kids were so patient, each selected the symbols that they would hammer into their project.  

Shortly after we all finished the leather project.  Rinoa Angell lead the group in a really good devotion, prayer, and song.  It was so neat to hear her speak, as I could hear her dad making some of those same points in similar tones during a wednesday night invitation.  

Our last item of the day was the Paper Plate awards, where Ruby was awarded "Awesome scratched up mountain climber".  I was excited that I got to award the largest group of Explorers their awards.  I would say that I secretly love getting to give out these awards, but I think it is pretty obvious.  I was excited to award both Anabelle, Kessa, and Magan with the "Triangle of Failure" award that was somewhat self proclaimed during a volleyball practice session between the three of them.  After all of the awards were given out, I am most proud of the final award.  Kessa stood up and awarded me the "Most eager to be a good artist" award from the girls.  It is one of the things I like to do with kids, drawing them on my notepad, and it made the cutest little girl Jocelyn laugh.  I love the laugh, but also love that Kessa saw it, and recognized it.  I LOVE being and AHG dad and love these campouts!  As we left the campsite, I looked back to see two smiling girls, and told Magan "I don't remember being this happy in awhile".  :)

The trip home was rather uneventful, other than not being able to find anything Magan could eat, but ending up at a Waffle House where I think you just always have a free pass to eat whatever you want.  

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