Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter

 Happy Easter!  The hippity hoppity easter bunny hid the girls baskets in their new barbie room this year, and had them searching indoors and outdoors to find all of the clues leading the way to the baskets.  And also hid some candy eggs within the living room for the girls and the downstairs den for the boys.  I think one more is still down there for the boys, and no one can find it, maybe the easter bunny might find it next year while hiding eggs.  But apparently this was different from last year, where prizes were hid, but the baskets were readily available in the living room, leading Ruby to be initially very sad that her and Anabelle did not get Easter baskets.  We also had been up to Cullman the previous Friday enjoying "finger foods" that put me into my normal holiday comatose state.  Luckily when non-family showed up for a visit, magan was able to awaken me out of my hibernation mode in time to interact with other humans.  I used to have a job of hiding eggs, but the older brothers and sisters have taken that duty over.  I loved seeing little Ru's eyes light up when telling me about the Golden eggs, that had a dollar in them.  

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