Friday, April 30, 2021

Around the House

 OK, you guys can see all the pictures from this month, so I will just list the highlights...Magan had an eye ulcer, and still dealing with it as I write this in May.  She HATES wearing glasses and has been in them for a few weeks now.  We thought it was funny with her sunglasses over her glasses...The girls build a fairy garden in the back along the trail behind our house.  They selected a couple of items at dollar tree, and were so excited to get one started.  Then Magan said, "Ok, pick out 15 items you want, and I will get them for you".  She said their eyes lit up that that number of items to pick out...Scott went to Georgia, and ate his normal german favorite of beef rouladen.  He is not a picture taker of food, unless it is amazing german food...Magan and Sam went to their first soccer game to support Jillian in the state tournament.   She lost bad.  So then she cried hard.  So they just had to slowly back off and walk away...A visit to Huntsville with a visit from Eloise...Free drinks at the new MAPCO all month...Davis was added to the Beta Club...I left a forever love message in nasty driveway dirt for my sweet bride (SJ + MJ 4Eva)...And Davis found out why you wear pants when riding your motorcycle that you have recently rigged to put the exhaust in a different location, hit a bump and let bare skin (back of his thigh) hit that exhaust (OUCH!!!).  Oh yeah, we were into second degree, bandaging it every day.  He actually did really well with it.  He then bought a silicon sleeve for the exhaust, and always wears pants when riding now.  That boy has modified so much on the motorcycle already, it goes faster and is much louder, but I guess that was his goal.  

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