Saturday, April 17, 2021

Scout Trip to Lake Lurleen

I had to miss another Boy's campout, as I was with the girls this weekend at Nocalula.  But from what I heard, the boys had a great time at Lake Lurleen.  Sam and Davis went with the boys that did some fishing, but neither caught anything.  Both seem to be doing more hammock sleeping than tent camping here recently.  Davis joined the huge group of hammocks below, I think they called it hammock fortress or something like that.  Sam has transitioned over the the leader patrol where it is all the older guys hanging out and I think he likes that well.  And I think Sam told me that Mr. George gave them the green light for swimming at one point, and Sam said the next thing he knew Davis was first in the water and stayed there to be last out of the water.  So while not all together, the Junkin crew were all camping on a wonderful weekend for camping.  

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