Sunday, November 7, 2021

Youth Group Locked-IN

Just a few pictures from our Youth Event.  After services we planned the locked in event for 3:00, which apparently is a long time from when church lets out at Noon.  Beginning our adventure at Freddy's, we then drove toward a park, that had a large event, and then settled on Vulcan Park, which was a good choice and let the kids hang out a little more.  

My group was fun to watch in the Locked In room.  The Francis girls are great problem solvers, and Sam and sage kept things organized, while Baker and his friend had fun stumbling into clues, and making them work.  We got out of our room with like 12 minutes to spare.  Which almost feels like a waste, since we pay by the hour.  As for Davis' team, they did not make it out, and from what I hear, were fairly frustrated.  Oh well, I think all in all, we had mostly smiles.  The only other thing I remember about the lock in was that it stank like sewage in the maybe that was part of the mystique.  


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