Sunday, February 20, 2022

AHG Father Daughter Dance - Fly Away to Neverland

Magan does such an amazing job with this event each year, I can't really say enough.  All I have to do is wear whatever the girls want me to wear to match the theme, enjoy watching them have the time of their lives dancing with friends, and for a few moments get to have some moments on the dance floor with those sweet girls.  I don't know how many hours are put into this event, but the kids all chip in...making the London sky, making the balloon arch, helping with the centerpieces.  

Me and Granddaddy take turns with our dates each year, and this year little Tinkerbell Ruby was my date and Sweet Wendy Belle was with Granddaddy.  We again held the event at the Greystone Country Club and felt slightly out of place in the parking lot with our Honda Odyssey next to the porches, BMWs, and Range Rovers.  In the dance, Magan had glitter (pixie dust) for the girls hair, and Granny helped man the crafts table.  

Ruby was surprisingly shy at first running to the dance floor, then running straight back with her hands all sweaty.  Even with her new friend Kennedy out there dancing, she was just too nervous to get out there.  But that did not last long.  Our meal included Chicken Fingers, Green Beans, and Mac&Cheese...the finer things of life.  Magan caught one picture where I tried to eat with my hook hand.  I also realized I could not eat with all that hair that kept hanging down in my plate.  After the meal, we had a fun "lead out" walking through all the other girls waving magic wands.  

And then we had some dance instructors that tried to teach us some sort of waltz, but it was not very pretty.  It was fun, and it would have been nice to have learned a dance, but I seriously don't remember one thing except it was taking a little longer than usual, and do we want to do another walk through, or just go ahead and play the music.   "Dear me, Play that music, and let's make this happen".   I didn't say that, but some milder version that implied, "we are ready, play that music DJ".  After learning the dance, it turned into what is always the most fun for the girls, just free dancing on the floor...having fun with friends...and all of that was even made better as Magan and Crystal wound around the dance floor with bubble machines.  One of my favorites, and I am dreading the day when I won't be the date for these girls anymore...but I am so happy that Granny and Granddaddy can join us...and seeing my dad with his smiles makes me look forward to perhaps another dance beyond the horizon with some other little girls I have not met yet.  

Dear me Anabelle, you are getting so big, and it scares me.  You are so beautiful.  As I write, I have to pause slightly cause your dad is emotional.  And my little Roo, we just got back from Kennedy's birthday party at the Bowling Alley, and you are so much fun.  Haha, do you remember trying to teach me the BFF handshake that you and Leyton put together.  I just could not get it, but it was worth trying to hear your big laughs with each of my mistakes.  Love these Father Daughter Dances.  Thanks Mom for all you do to make them so special!

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