Saturday, February 5, 2022

Robotics Tournament

The Robotics Competition was a really difficult one this year.  The field and tasks to complete in the field was just confusing.  The bots did not really work together with other teams, but it ended up looking like a really bad battle bot competition.  Oh well, Sam and Davis still really love it, and I think Sam used the competition to just work on his coding skills, while Davis and Ava worked on building the bot.  I can't remember this other guys name, but he was there too.  These competitions are an all day event when we had to be in Montgomery by 7:30AM, and didn't have the first competition until after 9AM.  While the game is a little weird this year, it was fun to watch Sam and Davis come back from the first match and immediately look for ways they could improve the bot.  I am glad they have this activity together, and they are a pretty good team when working thru problems.  It was nice to eat lunch with Ava (Ava's older brother Luke is in the scout troop with the boys) and her dad for lunch.  And we had to leave the tournament early so that Sam and Davis could make it to their basketball game later that evening.  I think they ended up finishing in 2nd to last place, but it doesn't seem to phase them, they like participating, and they get a little bit better each year.  


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