Saturday, February 26, 2022

Aladdin Jr - A Whole New World in Hartselle

It was great getting to see our family perform at the Aladdin Jr Play up in Hartselle.  Marcia did an excellent job directing the play, and I captured a few pics of her with the official director headset.  She called in all the audibles for any play changes.  I think we all looked for the old guy with a deep voice behind the curtain when Eli starting singing his portion.  And Stella and Addy did great with all of their scenes as well.  And I will have to admit that I had forgotten Sylus was in college, so I thought he was Jafar for most of this play, ok all of it until he did not come and talk with any of our family afterwards.  

We did get to enjoy a wonderful meal at Cracker Barrel afterwards with most of the family.  I loved getting to see Marcus at a table full of girls, as he kept talking about how much he loved playing with dolls, I figured this must have been what it was like as he was growing up.  And Happy Birthday to Emily who got like the hugest piece of chocolate cake I have ever seen as a free dessert...or maybe it wasn't free...but if it was...I know where I am going on my birthday.  


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