Thursday, March 31, 2022

Night Out with Nate

 This night began as a surprise present for Davis' 15th Birthday, and it had finally arrived.  Magan and I were excited to take the boys to their first big theater event like this.  Nate Bargatze is probably our current favorite comedian.  Magan was kind enough not to question my fear of being late, so we started heading downtown at about 4PM on this evening to be there for the show at 7:00PM.  But being early has its perks, as we found a parking spot basically right across 3rd avenue from the Alabama Theater.  And I also knew that the Pizitz food hall would be easy to get into and eat, so there we went.  

Me and Magan and Sam had some really good cheeseburgers from "The Standard", but Davis is more adventuresome, so he tried the Vietnamese restaurant.  We had a giant order of tots which put us into a Napoleon Dynamite conversation.  And Davis had to get a boba tea, or I was not going to deny him as he shared way to much information he had on different boba teas of the world.  I am going to encourage him to join the Scholars Bowl team next year, as he has way too much useless crazy bits of information about EVERYTHING.  And our meal was done, and it was only 5:30PM, so Sam picked on me for being early, but with the calm I felt being a one block walk from our destination....nothing he could say would make me any less thankful that we were where we needed to be with plenty of cushion.  

We arrived at the theater very early, but it was nice to walk down to the stage and look up to the very back to where our seats were in the balcony.  We looked all over, and I think I like the balcony better than anything in the mezzanine level...well, maybe not where we were at in the balcony.  We could actually touch the ceiling and were the second row from the very back.  Oh well, you get what you pay for.   :)

The show started a little late at 7:30PM, and we were introduced to Aaron Weber.  Pretty funny guy that did about 10 minutes of material.  He had a funny bit about his parents, one being an avid church goer, and the other an illegal gambling hall manager.  Both looked for ways out of paying any taxes.  Another joke about taking out a whole row of theater chairs, and it possibly being because he decided on a large popcorn instead of just a medium.  

Graham Kay from Canada had been on the tonight show, but we didn't know him any.  He had a different style than Aaron and Nate, but he was still pretty funny.  He had a good local joke where he talked about someone having a home in a trashy place like Walker County.  Then after everyone stopped laughing he said "If you are from there, I'm sorry...If it makes you feel any better, I have never been there, but I asked a local waiter today where is the trashiest place around here, and that was her response".  After more laughter, he said, "and it appears from your reactions, her information has been verified".  Nicely done.

And then the man we had been waiting for...Nate Bargatze on the "Raincheck Tour"!  Now, we heard him just fine, but when you are seated where we were, you basically just have to trust the voice to know it is him.  Ha, it was close enough.  I am sure this is going to be another hour special on Netflix, and he was got some really good new material.  Bits on how his parents drove the family everywhere, and how they took him to the Chattanooga Choo Choo hotel just to show them where others would stay...hahaha, the boys just kept laughing because we had done all the same things to them.  The best bits were his lack of any home repair skills, with a gut busting ender told in his perfect flat style.   We laughed at the show, then laughed all the way home remembering all of the funny jokes.  An amazing show.  Happy Birthday Davis.  

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