Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Sam's College Hunt - Mississippi State

Number 2 on our college visits was my old home of Mississippi State.  And since Sam will be driving probably a good distance no matter where he heads off to college, he got to be behind the wheel on our 2.5 hour drive to Starkville.  We arrived a little early, so I was able to take him to the Swalm Chemical Engineering Building where we shot the potato gun on the roof, the Library (with a tour of the John Grisham room) where I first experienced this thing they now call the internet, the Sanderson Center where I watched the pom squad practice, and a walk down Engineering Road where almost all my classes where, before starting our official visit.  

MSU provided a lot of information, but seemed to be primarily talking to me, and I am already sold on it being a good school.  The young guy wanting to make his mark on the world sitting next to me is the one they should be talking to.  But it was nice that one of Sam's friends, Thomas, was also there sitting right behind us for the first presentation, so we were able to hang out with him and his parents for most of the rest of the tour.  

I think overall impressions were good.  He noted that the campus was huge compared to UAH.  We both noted that the cafeteria selection and quality was not the gem found at UAH.  The dorm rooms may be getting smaller at MSU that even when I was there.  He got to see the "traditional" rooms that I was in during my college years with "itty bitty living space".  No individual rooms here on campus.  

This was the only place I ever even considered and visited.  But it was my home for 5 years, and I fell in love with the campus.  It was truly a small town feel that met my personality well, and I think would fit him well also.  I think they will still come in as the cheapest in his group that we are visiting, so we will see.  Regardless, this was a fun day, where I was able to reminisce a little, tell some fun stories, eat some MSU ice cream.  

We did miss hitting Little Douey's BBQ, as Magan was back in the Emergency Room.   Oh well, maybe next time.  But he drove home using my old route to Dodge City so we could check on mom.  Glad she is better now with a double dose of blood pressure meds.  Sam finished his longest driving day ever, hitting over 350 miles.  And with the new Honda Civic, we got 37 mpg.  So that was good no matter where he ends up going.  

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