Saturday, March 5, 2022

Sam's Eagle Ceremony

OK, be pre-warned, this is a picture dump overload.  Magan and I were excited for this day to celebrate Sam's scouting accomplishment, but we kept putting it off.  I finally just threw it on the calender, sent the facebook message invites, and off we went to making it happen.  In hindsight, I think both Magan and I should get a badge for putting together a ceremony like this.  But it was a great event and so glad Sam could have so many friends and family together.

I think his slideshow had an epic lineup, including "Danger on the Tracks" by Europe, then "Your the Best" from the KK1 soundtrack, then "Turn Turn Turn" by the Byrds, some Green Day singing "Time of your Life", then always an Eagle Scout requirement "Fly like an Eagle" even tho Mr. George is ready for it to never be in another slide show.  Sam gave me and magan the thumbs up on these selections, and we joked about it being all Eagles songs as Mr. George hates the Eagles.  Magan did an excellent job putting this together...she cut it down to 14 minutes...which was still very long, but trust me, it could have been much longer.  Magan also made the Hot Rod picture of Sam with all of his spirit animals, which was perfect.  This blog is perfect for finding pictures, as it just requires a search of the word "scout" and I have every blog and picture where scouting events took place.  

Sam's honor guard was Brandon Brown and Cole Anderson that have been with him since 1st Grade, and the only ones left of the group I once led thru cub scouts.  Davis was able to lead the flag ceremony during the event.  Mr. George and Jason Kirby helped mc the event.  Sam did much better than many I have seen with the pinning of the scout pin on his mom, even tho she was teary eyed.  Me, I just tried to bring some humor to our picture together.  And Granddaddy was surprised to be called up front to get a mentor pin.  

Three of Sam's mentors from church were able to be at this event:  Jeff Hornsby, Rick May, and Eric Pruitt.  They have all been great influences on his character and helped him spiritually to grow.  Altho after shooting guns with Mr. Jeff, riding high speed golf carts with Mr. Rick, and playing in volleyball games with Mr. Eric...I think they all just like hanging out with him.  He is a pretty good kid.  

It was great seeing so much family there, and most were able to come back to the house for some pizza and relax time.  Also glad we had all the family there to help us clean up.  Magan did an amazing job setting up the place.  She may have spent the night at the church the night before, I can't remember, I went to sleep.  

From the Presentation that Day..."The Eagle Scout Award is the highest recognition offered by the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America, to a boy who successfully completes all the rank requirements. Merit badges representing twenty-one different fields of interest are required before the scout can apply for the Eagle Scout Rank Award. (Sam completed 43 merit badges.)

Specific requirements in; first-aid, communications, safety, citizenship, preparedness, camping, environment, personal fitness and personal management are mandated along with the opportunities to earn merit badges in many vocational, hobby and recreational subjects.

Leadership experience as a patrol leader or member of the troop staff is required for a minimum of sixteen months. (Sam served as Scribe, Librarian, Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Outdoor Ethics Guide during his advancement.)  Sam is also taking over as a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster and Troop Guide for the newest scouts that have recently crossed over from Cub Scouts.  

The scout must take part in at least twelve hours of service projects. Sam served a total of 150 hours including his Eagle Scout Project.

A scout is comfortable being outdoors, spending many hours away from home. Sam spent 61 nights camping, 23 miles on the water, and 33 miles of hiking during his advancement to Eagle.

He also must give leadership to other Scouts in an Eagle Scout Service Project helpful to his religious institution, school, or community and approved by his Scoutmaster, the Troop Committee and the District Committee. Sam's project was to improve the nature trail behind a local non-profit (Grace Klein) community home used by local women in need.  Through Sam's fundraising, organization and leadership, the trail was improved with stairs, benches, a bridge, entrance markers and lining along the trail to improve accessibility, navigation and relaxation.    Sam also placed inspirational messages and scriptures along the path to help others staying there during times of reflection.

The character of the Eagle candidate is also examined and his conduct measured against the standards of the Scout Oath and Law. The Eagle Scout Board of Review interviews each Eagle Scout candidate before submitting its recommendation to the National Scout Council. The National Scout Council issues the Eagle Scout Award upon approval."  

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