Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter at Home

The Easter bunny once again held a treasure hunt that took the girls all thru the house...and outside the search of the Easter presents.  I am always glad the bunny leaves mom and dad the extras, because jelly beans are my favorites.  At church I took some pictures of the kids in their classrooms, and Sam got his own picture because I could not fit him in the group picture.  When I posted this in our Facebook group page I remarked that it is so neat to see Kendall teaching Ruby's Kendall was in my first Junior High class I taught at Chelsea.  I found a few of the clues the Easter Bunny left, so I will share them below...

CLUE #2 – You must sneak into your parents room for this next one.  I hid the clue in a shoe.  And in a shoe that looks like it has been placed where it is supposed to go. 

CLUE #3 – “In the shallow, shallow”…Have you heard this song?  The next clue is behind  something you might have heard it on. 

CLUE #4 – If you look on the seat of a Yellow Monster that eats all the grass in our yard, you will find the next clue

CLUE #6 – This next clue is dangerous, as you must face a ferocious beast.  This next clue is behind of the house where a black and white “tiger” sleeps.

CLUE #10 – The next clue can be found in the small room where there are many many princesses and two large houses for them to live in

CLUE #14 – Here is a place that gets really really hot, so you might need a mitt to get this next clue in the kitchen

CLUE #15 – This clue may also put you in danger, you must sneak in the room of two stinky boys…Be careful and quiet as you slip into their room…the next clue is found on Sam’s newest machine. 

CLUE #16 – Your prize awaits and the end of your adventure there is a prize.  Your prize is in a room that you have not been in during this journey.  In this room it can often stink, but usually when you come out, you smell clean and fresh.  Behind the Curtain lies your treasure.  

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