Friday, April 8, 2022

Ruby's Zoo Field Trip

So this is Ruby with her friends Caroline and Jordan at the Zoo.  Ruby brought her binoculars cause she knew they would need them to see real close on the elephants.  She told me that she did not see the komodo dragon, but saw Leyton in that area, so that was nice.  She loved getting to ride both the train and the carousel, as we typically would only get to ride one.  And she loved that her mom brought her Subway for lunch, so she didn't have to eat the school lunch with that mystery meat.  I remember from the videos that the red panda set them all to giggling, but from the pictures, I think alot of animals may have done the same.  Magan snuck her into the zoo gift shop to get her the special sparkley feet elephant that she wanted when I took her last time, but they were out.  I guess we'll look for it next time.  

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