Saturday, April 2, 2022

Youth Work Day

I can't say the kids are always excited for these days, but they do very well helping out when the day comes.  Our task for the day was to complete the pressure washing, decorate some classrooms, and some straightening throughout the church building.  I knew the pressure washing was the deciding factor, so I got there early that morning to get the one pressure washer in place and ready to go as soon as I had some child labor.  

Brandon Rawls brought a pressure washer that was a beast to get working, and he could not get it running.  We kept the kids away from him, just in case he needed to throw something.  :)  And he finally fixed it realizing that it just had inadvertently flipped the gas switch to off.  And Jonathan Bailey brought another pressure washer, that was like made in the 1800s...It spurted water all over the place, and had to be placed on like a pressure washer wheel chair to get into place...but once it started, that thing was a monster.  

Most of the girls worked on the inside decorations area, but I made sure they each came out and gave the pressure washing a try or two.  Sam helped clean out some weeds from the junipers with strict direction to NOT get into any poison ivy.  And with pizza for lunch, and cornhole, kanjam, and frisbee golf for some recreation during what appeared to be a lot of breaks...they had some good times working, and hanging out with their church friends.  I really love this group, and can't wait to see all the big things they will do for God as they get older.  

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