Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Club

So boys, if you are reading this one day, and you have selected one of these girls below to be your mate, I am super proud of you.  So thankful to have a group of friends like this at Chelsea, and it looks like the numbers are very much in favor of the Junkin men.  I have already been in conversations with all of the dads of these beautiful ladies, and arranged marriages are fine for us.  But glad they had a fun moment like this together as friends.  They had to find some covered area for these pics as it was raining a bit.  

They all got to taste the food from the elite "The Club" private venue in Birmingham up on the mountain near Vulcan.  Perhaps the food was not good, but it is possible their palate had not matured as well, but I was told it was just one notch above cafeteria food.  Davis is pretty good foodie critic, so I will trust his report.  I did also hear that Larkyn (alergic to most everything) apparently couldn't eat hardly anything they served, so she had a pile of lettuce and an apple.  Later on the way home Sam stopped at Taco Bell to get her some food, and she got three tacos, but the last one they ran out of meat, so it was just shell and lettuce.  

Hard to wait up as Sam drove home from downtown, but I guess we are slowly feeling more comfortable with him traveling further and further.  And I hope you boys are still as good of friends as you are right now.  Yall fight "like little girls" I sometimes have to holler at you...but it is fairly rare.  When did you guys grow up so fast?

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