Sunday, April 16, 2023

AHG Spring Campout to Buck's Pocket State Park

Ugh, campout pictures mixed up, it frustrates me, but probably me alone.   A really fun weekend began with a bit of rain as we were setting up our tent, but an overall wonderful weather for a few days outdoor.   After getting set up, Ruby helped me with the tripod lashing to get the AHG flag flying.   I usually try to have some fun activities for the kids on this first day as people are setting up, and I had brought my Alka Seltzer rockets...and after one fun pop, the rest were duds.   Never got a good enough seal to trap the gas I guess.   All the girls were very excited for the "Exploding Water" experiment, but quickly found the playground more appealing when the water just fizzled out.   

On the first night, our new AHG scout said she had trouble making new friends, but Allie Mae and Ruby and Helen quickly formed some quick friendships with all sorts of fun activities.   Anabelle seemed to outdo Magan and get to Allie Mae's little sister first...and was often seen holding that cutie.   
The next morning, many of the girls laughed as they saw me leaving to go "cook breakfast" at Jacks.   I had of course been scoping this out for weeks to make sure there was a place close by I could get some real food from.   We also had Jacks the day before for supper on our way into the camp.   Magan does not complain, because the coffee is much better than the stuff at camp.   For me, this campout was just very relaxing, I had very little I had to coordinate, so after breakfast...I took a nap.   

The girls were working on their Insects/Entomology badge, and playing many fun games involving insects.   I think I saw a  "pin the abdomen on the bee" game.  They also got to try and eat some insects.   Belle told me later that the millworms were not bad, ants were sour, and crickets definitely the worst.  There was also some cookies made from insect protein.   They were good, but I don't really know why this is something you can buy.   Haha, there are some fun pictures of Ruby below trying the insects, I think her gag reflex takes over fast.   

Before lunch, I wanted to scope out the hike to the top of the hill that the girls would be trying later.   So up and up I went, really nice hike, but a really big climb to the top.   Found Robbie and Marianna up there, who went apparently without any water.   Yes, I shared.   Fun hike to the top, and you could see the birds (I am going to say it was an eagle) flying around, and you could see our campsite way down below.  Back at camp, we would tell everyone with smaller kids to just drive to the top, as that is much faster.  

Did I mention another nap after lunch.   So nice to just lay down in that tent, and drift away.   Magan and I have recently joked that you just have to lay down and close your eyes if you have any spare moment, you never know when another one will come.   :)  And No, our lunch was not Jacks, but we brought some turkey and cheese for sandwiches.   

And then we finally began the hike with the girls, with plans to meet the families with the little ones near the top at a waterfall.  The plan was to hang out at the waterfall for a bit, then make our way to the top.   Our group hiking up got to the waterfall first, and as they were walking down to see the water, I went up to the top (yes, 2nd time that day) to see where the others were at.   They were on their way down, so I went back to join the bigger girls...and found them completely in the water making their way to the waterfall.   I walked over to one of the other leaders, Mrs. Shaley and said "I guess we will be here for awhile".   Yep she said.   "I guess we will probably not be going to the top".   Probably not she said.   We both smiled watching the girls having the best time of the campout, and I know both of us quickly saw that this was the highlight of the campout.   No need to rush this.  I later asked Ruby about who said they could get in the water.   She quickly said "You did".   I said "What, I was not even there".   She smiled and said "Oh, yeah!   I think I just made that up".    Hahaha...that inner voice must sometimes sound like Dad.  

After a long time in the water, the girls made the way back down the trail.   All of them soaking wet, but not one of them complaining.   They had found the hidden gem of this park, and I heard lots of laughter on the way back.   And some weird counting game that Anabelle and Sarah Beth were doing.   

That night we prepped some flags for the retirement ceremony, we played at the playground, and we got ready for the Taco in a Bag dinner.   Around the campfire, Magan kept trying to decide when she could leave to get her hair washed, but this time actually stayed through the flag ceremony.  Ruby's group did a really long story skit that as MC, I thought would never end.   I also thought it was funny that if you act like you have a microphone in your hand, some of the girls actually start leaning over to speak into the imaginary mic.   The explorers had a funny skit about some killer marshmallows, and the PiPas had like a circus talent show wrapped up in a skit.   We sang some songs which was one of my favorite times of this I first got to debut "Hey, My Name is Joe" with the girls.  And I love watching the little faces smile as we all act silly together.   But then, Me and Ruby and Anabelle led "Oh a Milkshake, Sticky Sticky Waffles, A Mozzarella Pizza, All the eggs all the eggs are broken"...if there is ever a perfect daddy daughter moment for a silly dad, that was one that will be stored in my treasure book forever!   And "That was really nothing"!

After the songs, the PiPas thru me for a loop as they left to go on a quick night hike, but I was planning to do the flag ceremony.  So it worked out well, as the younger ones were able to help read the lines for the flag ceremony, where they typically don't get to participate as much.   And the PiPas got back just in time for the ceremony, and all joined in with the Star Spangled Banner as our 5 flags were consumed in the fire.   The flag ceremony always ends the activities, but I remember a few more short conversations...wait, I think I just went right to bed.   With some projected rain on Sunday morning, many of our families packed up and left.   I figured rain couldn't hurt much, but I did pull Belle's tent under our canopy for this last night.  

On Sunday morning, I cooked some meals in a bag, that no one particularly cared for, but they at least had some warm food in their bellies.  A hit that always works is the leather key chains, so I got those our for the little ones to make some key chains.   But I do always get one or two of the older ones that come over and make one too.   Ruby made one that said "Ruby AHG...WE HAD FUN" decorated with some symbols to help her remember the fun things we did.  Savannah Bailey did the devotion that morning,  then we handed out paper plate awards.   There were two little brothers there, and I heard one telling the other about his cool paper plate award he got at the fall campout.   So of course I had to run get some extras for them put together.   Ruby got the award for "I survived eating bugs" and Belle's award was for "Most likely to be seen holding an AHG baby brother or sister".   And just like that our campout weekend was over.   We packed up all of our stuff narrowly beating the rain that came down just as we were pulling out.   

But as everyone knows, When you are in Geraldine, AL, you have to drop by High Falls Park.   I don't really know if anyone says that, but they should, because we took an adventure on our way home over to the end of a road in the middle of nowhere Geraldine, and saw the coolest falls.   We took lots of pictures then went out to walk in the water at the top of the falls.   While there, we heard some screams and yells from the top  of the hill, and looked up to see the Fabris', Angell's, and Summer's who had also decided to come this way on the way back.   So our trip ended hanging out with our AHG friends back in Geraldine around a very slow serving Mexican restaurant named "La Chona".  I am sure there were many other fun stories I missed during this blog, but perhaps the pictures will spark some memories with these girls.   Love our AHG campouts!


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