Saturday, April 1, 2023

Spring Break - Disc Golf

 Does just one picture need its own blog?   Probably not, but it was a very unique disc golf experience.   Sometimes so many things go right and wrong at the same time, it is just one of those days that feels like it needs its own place on the Blog Book table of contents.   

The day began with us getting a chance to sleep a little late, which was good as Spring Break was almost over.   The boys got a text from Brandon Rawls that he needed help at his shop, so I went over also because I had not seen it yet.   Pretty cool place, and Brandon has been great to help us our with vehicles, and teach the boys some good skills.   Before this visit, our plan was to go play disc golf later that afternoon.   

When we returned to the house, Sam decided that he would take his Honda Civic over to Brandon's shop to see if they could fix it.   His exhaust system had sheared and it needed welded back together.   Scott's thought was you take it to the shop and pay the man his money.   But Brandon had offered to help, so Sam took it over to him (it really sounded good while broken).   Brandon had Sam get under the vehicle and get the exhaust system off of the vehicle (Great guy, always teaching the boys something new), then Brandon had it welded and repaired within 1 hour.   I had already thought frisbee golf was not going to happen, but Sam and Davis pulled back into the driveway with time to hit the Montevallo course.   

On the way to Montevallo, I did something that still frightens me, and makes me think maybe I am losing my mind.   I started listening to Sam give me directions.  And the first one was fine, telling me to go through Columbiana...ok, not what I was going to do, but it works, and it is probably shorter.   Then on the road into Calera, he told me to turn right onto a road I had not been on before.   Yet he spoke like it was the best road out there, and opened up his computer to show that this was a better route.   I later found out he was using apple or google maps, which is CRAZY!   Then he was talking about how horrible WAZE was when we ended up at Hwy 31 about 6 miles past where we were going.   We were all laughing, but I think he knew that I thought he was crazy for directing us that way, and we were running out of sunlight.   

Fortunately Montevallo can be played in about 1.5 hours, so we had plenty of time, and began with Davis getting a 2 on the first hole.   He would never lead again, but we were all proud of him in that moment.  He was actually on fire with that new pink putter below, sinking 3 twos during the round.   And all was going well, I was staying close to Sam, and even had some drives that equaled his, then we had the hole in the woods.   

Here I was slowly taking the lead with a 3 on almost everything, and letting Sam and Davis through to the basket, I threw mine in for another 3, then as I walked to the basket, a disc slammed directly into my temple.   Disc golf is a game that you can get hit sometimes, but it should be rare.   It should NEVER happen though, if you have already thrown your disc.   It was at this point, that the boys will remember me losing it....I mean mid-range to the temple (YES, Sam had already thrown his putter that may have been flatter against my temple, and decided to go ahead and throw his pointed mid range).   It was nothing that had to be vid-angeled, but I am pretty sure I pointed out how DUMB he is, and how he plays like a 2 year old.   Other things also came out, but they have been blocked from my memories.   Davis said it sounded like Joe Pesci in Home Alone...razzle frazzle... and I kept hollering at him as I walked to the next tee box, threw my disc and left them behind.  Realizing that we still had 7 holes left, I yelled down the hill to them "I will be happy again at the next hole"

And I was, Although as I write this, I still feel a small twinge of pain when I bite down on the left side, it is not as bad as it was for the remainder of that day.   We all got a good laugh at my pain, at Sam's "dumb"ness, at me rather having "Ruby" out here than him, because she would act older than him.   I later banked one in from 25 feet away off a tree for a two, so it was a good day.  I shot a 56 on a course where Sam has the best in our family overall at a 53.   Davis was happy because he beat Sam on this day.   And we went home...using my directions.   Boys...I love you both, and happy for these moments together.   Sam...remember this day when your kid one day beans you in the temple.  Move away quickly and be happy at the next hole.  

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