A beautiful Sunday weekend, well we had some rain at the Sartins, but then we also had 2 baptisms on the Sunday morning, so I am going to say the beauty won out. I don't know why they always have Easter on a Sunday morning, it makes it very hectic to get to church. Magan captured little Ruby's excitement below in her post, but not only did she wake up at 3 and unknowingly search thru our bathroom, she could hardly stay quiet that night before trying to lay down to rest. And she was the cutest telling us about seeing the Easter Bunny's shadow...her eyes wide with amazement and excite. And while she ran from clue to clue in an aura of magical belief, that aura did not infect big sister Belle. But I was happy that Belle went on the whole journey with her, rubbing her eyes, fluffing that big hair, and trying to slowly wake up.
The boys got some new cave headlamps that the Easter Bunny new they would need the next weekend. Anabelle a new purse and some smell good stuff. And Ruby added to her Disney mini-store with some mini-toys to stock the mini-shelves.
From Magan's Facebook Post: Ruby woke up at 3 am and says she saw the Bunny’s shadow twice. She went hunting a little with a flashlight and then went back to bed till 6 (which is the earliest we told her she could wake us up.) Our Easter bunny is the best bunny you could ask for. He leaves candy in their baskets but then hides their prizes. They have to follow the trail of hints to find them and he also hides some eggs for them to hunt too. The mornings are full of excitement and giggles.
We got to see the Ratcliff bunch (well most of them) and ate way too much food. Any time we have an excuse to see family, I’m ready! I love my family and these busy days make it harder to get all together. Thankful for a little time together! Also, I had a hard time taking that picture of our little baby girls who look like teenagers now. Then I opened FB and saw them as babies on Easter and wanted to cry, ha!
And I found the Easter Bunny's letter again this year. I could not find all his clues, but found what he wrote to the kids...
"Hippity Hoppity Easter’s Finally Here! Hey guys!
I hope you like all the treats this year. Wow, another fun and crazy year, but I am
glad you guys are doing well.
Belle and Ruby…You girls need to stop growing. I hope you like all the chocolate I got for
you. I did get to talk to Christopher
Popinkins a few months ago while up at the North Pole, and he told me that you
guys went to New Orleans. He said he
was still sad he did not get to go with you. I hope you like the prizes!
Sam and Davis…You boys are also getting sooo big. These little baskets just don’t hold all the
candy. Hey, I got you guys a prize too,
but I am guessing those girls will beat you to the adventure, so they will
probably just leave your prizes by your easter baskets.
I left some treats for your mom and dad up high on the
mantel, they get my leftovers. And
girls…I have hidden 12 eggs in the living room and dining room for you to find.
Ruby and Belle: As
you did last year, to find your prizes, you must work together to find each
clue. These clues will lead you on an
adventure, but at the end is your prizes.
I hope you can find them! You are
going to LOVE THEM! If you need any
help, just wake your dad up, he used to find all the clues I left for him when
he was a little boy.
Clue #1 – This clue can be found on a pile of plates, where
you might pile a pile of paper plates
You guys be good, and I’ll see you next year… Oh, and leave
the clues where you find them just in case the boys want to play later.
E. B.
PS…Tell the boys that I did not hide any eggs for them,
because they never found all of them I hid last year. There is still one that was never
found. I am a really good hider."

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