Friday, April 21, 2023

Junior Senior Prom

Last year, Jillian was a senior and Sam a junior.  She drove him to school every day, and they are obviously good friends.   Sitting at Sneaky Petes last year (This is where the youth meet every Friday before school), Jillian was talking about not having a date for the Prom, and mentioned that Sam should go with her.   He said "But Why", because Sam is Sam and is quite awkward at times.   And thus Jillian went with someone else.   Apparently everyone at that Sneaky Petes table heard this exchange, so Sam was ridiculed for a long time for his "Why".   In a son dad moment later that week, I explained that when a pretty girl asks you to the prom, you say "YES".   And flashforward to this spring, where Jillian is in Florida at college, and Sam needed a date.   He reached out to her and asked if she wanted to go with him, and with some slowly maturing charm said "It's ok if you just ask WHY".   But it worked, and instead she said "Why Not?"   

And to the other side of this picture below was Lauren Rawls, who was Sam's date to the previous dance in the Fall.   She was looking for a date, and reached out to her friend Davis, who seems to always be invited to a dance.   I don't know what all the rules are in this game, but Sam said "Davis knows the bro code", so I guess that is that.  Magan took both of their pictures together in our neighborhood before they went there separate ways for the prom.  I will admit Magan handled all of this, I really had no clue what was going on at any time, just showed up where she told me to show up.   
Davis and Lauren went down to Columbiana for some more pictures with her friends.   Davis drove Magan's van because he did not want to have to park his truck everywhere that night...but then when Lauren's dad asked him if he wanted to drive his 2023 Ford F150 Lightning, he jumped on board for that.   How brave is Brandon letting Davis drive that truck.   They ate at Mt. Fuji, skipped the prom, and went to a birthday party at Savannah Bailey's house to end the night. 

Sam's crew had a huge stretch SUV, and took their pictures at Mt. Laurel.   It was really the weirdest thing because we were there while all these pictures were being taken.   There was like a mass of parents just watching all of this go on.   I wish I would have gotten a picture of the parents, it was slightly crazy.   We walked around and chatted at each new picture location.   I don't know when this practice started, but it was just strange.   Sam and Jillian went to a steak place in Mt. Laurel, then to the prom for a bit (his friend Noah got Homecoming King) and where did they go after this...Buccees.   Yes, this crew in the fancy tuxes and dresses drove to Leeds and went into Buccees.   I can understand Chick-Fil-A, with its crazy efficiency, heavenly chicken, Hillsong in the bathroom, and pleasure all around...but Buccees...what makes the young crowd love them so much?   It's a large gas station...yet also for me, I feel the pull every time I am near...Interesting.   

So that was prom...I guess we will have a few more thru the years.   I think both boys had a great time and hope if not Jillian or Lauren, they will find similar Christians of like mind to share their days.   


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