Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Davis is an official Eagle Scout

It has been a long journey and many boy scout adventure posts to make it to this night.  Davis, along with three of his buddies that have been scouts with him since the 1st grade, met at Morningstar Methodist to conclude their 6-year boy scout journeys with a Board of Review for the Eagle Scout rank.   

Davis and I arrived around 6:50 PM, neither of us knowing the length of time this would take.   When I did this with Sam, it was just him going thru the review, and that was years ago, and I could not remember what the process was anyway.   But it was neat that one of the district scout leaders on the board of review was the one of Davis and this groups cub scout leaders, Chris Gonzalez.   By the end of cub scouts, his wife LeeAnn and I shared the role, but Chris was a very good leader and it was good to see him again.   

And the Board, which included 2 district leaders and our scoutmaster George Griswold began with the first boy while the rest of us waited...and waited...and waited.   And finally around 8:30 the second boy went back for the review...then Davis was last to get reviewed.   We learned that this was a typical time for these reviews, but they don't typically do 3 in one night.   But both Davis and I were both happy to finally get this covered.  

After Davis was finished, they brought the parents back for a small feedback from the board, then brought the boys into the room where George welcomed them into the Eagle Rank, jokingly with one combined handshake for all three boys.   Smiles all around, perhaps for a life accomplishment completed, but also because this night was finally over.   Davis and I grabbed our pic together, then left to pick up some Taco Bell we were both craving.   

There will be one more post when we finally have a ceremony.  But from the beginning of the summer, Davis really focused on pushing to this moment, and he had said his goal was to finish in October.   This was 10/30/24, and goal met.   One of the other board members spoke highly of all of these boys, and how well spoken they are in front of a panel.    Super proud of Davis, but thankful to have had the group of dads that helped shape these boys into the men they are becoming.   He can't shoot a basketball, but he can tie knots, change oil, and build a chair with paracord.   He can shoot handguns, rifles, and shotguns.   He can fish.   And he once took a dump in the dark on the side of the Grand Canyon.   There was also some required merit badges, but on this night, there was nothing left standing between Davis and the Eagle Rank.    


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