Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Sun Will Come Out...Tomorrow

This was not on our list to go see this year, as our list is already more than our budget...I mean, in 2025 we have Les Miserables (yep, already got tickets for March), BeetleJuice, and Wicked.   But this was Annie!  So at the last minute, I grabbed 4 tickets for the girls (It was Ms Lisa's birthday, so I think we surprised her with this pretty well).   Some of the other girls from church were already planning on going, and Ruby told me she was a little sad because it sounded fun...then all smiles when she learned she would get to go also.   They were pretty far up in the Mezzanine level, but as stated earlier, we are pretty far up and out of our budge already.   

Before the show, they met with the other ladies from church at some fancy place at the summit that wants you to eat healthy.   Magan somehow got them to cook her a grilled cheese that was not on the menu, but I am pretty sure that could really be on any restaurants menu.   

And yes, I was a little jealous, but me and Davis had a good day hanging out.   And besides "Hard Knock Life" and "Tomorrow", I don't really know much about the songs or even the story.   But I bet both of those would have been cool to watch.   

Magan reminded me of two ladies that helped make her day that night.   She was coughing and trying to get over some crud, so she took some cough drops with her in her purse.   And while the rules said that purses were allowed, we did not realize that is meant that they must be locked up in a locker.   Magan needed her cough drops, and was calling Belle to see if they had to take the purse back to the car, and a nice lady came up to Magan and said "You have medicine in your bag, right"...wink wink.   And Magan said "Well I kind of do have it", and they let her in with it, just had it marked.   Then later in a coughing fit she could not control, she went out to get a coke, and they did not have any at that stand, but a lady pulled one out of her personal cooler for Magan at no charge.   I really don't know how it works for her, but I think she has a certain glow that just draws people in to want to help her.   But I am glad they did.  

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