I keep telling Davis I don't know what I am going to do when both he and Sam are gone this Fall. We have had lots of fun "Dad and Davis" days, and this was a great one that started in Columbiana for a 5K. It actually began even earlier dropping belle off for the bus to go to a showchoir competition, but then Davis and I got ready for our run. He has actually been running a bit more, working out a lot more, and in much better shape than his dear old dad. We ran into Claire and Amanda from church, so this 5K had Chelsea represented well.
Davis ran at about a 9 minute mile pace, and I was way back at a 12 minute mile pace. The most embarrassing thing was similar to the very first race I was ever in...I was lapped by the winner. The 10K runner finished the race blowing right by me before the finish line. I found a picture of us both close to the finish line, haha. Oh well, I have not actually run since this 5K the previous year, so seems correct that I would not be improving much. We ate some oranges and made our way to Jacks to eat some better post race food like biscuits and gravy. Davis told me that he was trying to keep up with Joel Dixon (Joel coordinates this event and attends at Wilsonville, so it is usually well attended by the church crowd), so when Joel passed him, he started running to keep up with him, and looked up to see Joel way ahead of him.
We went home to rest for a bit. Well I slept and rested. This was the day Davis found the water leak into MeeMaw, so he worked on finding where the leak was coming from. But after "our" rest, we hopped in the van to go to the World of Wheels. Both of us glad we didn't drive the truck trying to get thru the tiny parking garage at the BJCC. Davis had us both some free tickets that were left over from the CTEC event, so he had gotten to visit the show the day before. I don't know if this is a show I would like by myself, but with someone that loves cars and can tell you all about them, it makes it much more enjoyable (Magan...). Davis had purchased a Southern Sipper mug the day before where you pay $10 for the mug, but then for the life of World of Wheels, you can bring it back for $1 refills. We got a $1 refill.
We ran into Makayla Nichols and her grandparents at the event. And we also saw Davis' good friend Logan that was being rolled around in a wheelchair by his girlfriend. He recently had knee surgery. Davis taught me a little about air intake, the movement of the corvette's engine to the back of the vehicle, and all about his favorite McLarens. We had to stop and get our fix of Hot Sweet Nuts. I don't think that is the name, but for guys, that will always at least cause a chuckle. We saw a $1 Million dollar Lamborghini. And then we went home, stopping at ChickFilA for another guy meal together. I talked to him alot that day about how much I was going to miss him being around. It is weird, I have always tried my best to make special individual time with all of the kids, but since Sam has left, I have gotten to know Davis a little bit better. Gotten to have a little more one on one time with him. And slowly realizing that this fall is going to be just as hard as it was 2 years ago. Love you Dave. This was a really fun day.
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