This trip through tumbling rock was originally scheduled for December, but it was a bad week, and many could not make it. So we rescheduled for February, and initially had a larger group of boys, but it ended up being only about 14 boys and 4 dads. This was Davis' first chance to lead beyond the Christmas Tree, and he had the majority of the boys with him. One dad, John Morrow, went with him to take up the rear. Davis apparently was moving quick, as he passed a group a scouts that went in way before our group, then Mr, John just stopped at the topless dome to wait for us.
My crew was in the back, as we had 3 new boys who had never been in the cave, and including me 3 old men dads. We were much slower and had to take more breaks than that first crew. Then I came to the dreaded place right after the handwall, where I had talked myself into requiring a hard right. I took a hard right, and started into a tunnel that quickly came to a dead end. I immediately told the rest of the crew to hang back and stay in one place till I found the right way. I then found a large opening that had to be the right way, until one of the other dads said, No, that is how we came in. Ugh, how embarrassing. So I sat down and opened up my maps, which is basically an admission that you don't know the way forward. You can get lost in this cave, but should not because it is a one way in one way out, so at the very worst, we had come as far as we could go on this day. But then we heard voices, and a small group of younger guys came by and were also heading to topless dome, so we followed them directly ahead to a large opening that I still have no idea how I missed. After that, I had no more mishaps on our way to the dome.
I was really proud of this group of 3 boys, as they did not complain a bit. All climbed hard and were careful when needed. They were loud and goofy as young scouts are, but in general well behaved, and I did not have to help any that froze up. Which was weird on this trip, as it was the first time I had to actually email a parent and say "Your child does not need to go in that cave again" after some very difficult times helping that boy through the cave. It is a neat cave, and fairly easy to navigate, but can be dangerous, and freezing up in some areas just causes everyone to put themselves in a bad position. But these three were great.
At the dome, we visited tumbling rock, then sat at the waterfall area waiting for Davis group to get back. I could tell that me and John were both a little anxious for those boys to get back. As we really couldn't go back till we knew they were safe and back to us. And we really did not know the way forward either. But after about 45 minutes while we ate our lunch, we heard voices and all of our boys come back to join us. For most of us, we climbed up into the waterfall area to get to the topless dome. Davis was the main guy helping everyone up into the hole, and everyone near that hole got very very wet. This was as wet as it was last time, which makes this area not nearly as fun. So me and Davis took a quick picture then headed back down.
At this point, Davis led a group of 6 back to the front of the cave, and I picked up one of Davis group that said, I don't want to go as fast at that group. And Mr. John joined up with us as well. Davis and his group quickly left us and we figured we would see them outside the cave. But just after the saltmines, hahahaha, I cracked up laughing when I walked right into Davis' group. He had gotten completely turned around and was going deeper into the cave when he ran into us. He laughed and realized where he messed up, and once again, they left our slow and steady group. I made it back to the area I got so lost in on the way in, and still don't know how I missed such a large opening.
And then I was out of the cave and talking to Davis about how their trip out went. We sat and talked for about 5 minutes when Davis asked "Where is your group?" Ahhhhh, hahaha, They were right behind me, but apparently they did not make that last right needed to exit the cave. Davis still had all his gear on and went back in to lead them the last 50 yards out of the cave. So of course the dads picked on me for "Leave no man behind".
This was Davis' last official adventure as a Boy Scout. His 9th time in the cave to my 10th. We got the traditional dirty cave picture after we finally got everyone else out. Took our time trying to get dressed into dry clothes, as there are only two rooms and many many boys. We rode with the troop and enjoyed some pizza buffet. Davis goofing around with the guys, now being the old guy in the group. They all loved getting to explore a bit this time, and Davis was learning to lead deeper in the cave. The new senior patrol leader John Lacey and assistant senior patrol leader Chase Morrow were both there, and I know that Davis is leaving the troop in good hands with those boys.
I wrote the following in the cave on my phone waiting for Davis group to make it back to us. Frustrated at needing help and getting directions, I am hoping I can look back at this post to help me next time.
- Enter in and take initial left
- Follow the path to the Butt Break Slide
- Follow the path to the Dragon Hole (mark hole once thru)
- Slide far right and cross over creek to walk through saltpeter area
- Exit path through the small hole, pass the small full formation, and stay high to the Elephant's Foot
- Path breaks to a muddy left, and a dry right. Look for the large hole that gets you to the lower right side
- Stay with the river, and you may see the hand wall. Just after hand wall, you cross creek up small hill and stay straightish left (NOT HARD RIGHT, NOT LEFT)
- At the end of this same room, you will turn right and climb up Wildcat Rock Pile
- Stop Here to visit the Wildcat Pit and Rest
- Climb down and to the large hole to the right
- Continue forward to the Spiderman wall climb
- Continue forward and follow river to the dead end
- Climb UP and RIGHT to the top after the dead end
- This leads to another set of salt mines, and ends with a climb down and to the right
- Choice of walking along the river OR dry to the right to find the hole
- Once you climb up from the river or up through the hole, you walk forward to Topless Dome
- Past Topless dome, Stay Right and go up and over to the Christmas Tree
- Tumbling Rock is down and to the right
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