Magan can edit this post later and describe first hand the account of the Monster Truck Wreck, but I will write how I found out about this accident and the details surrounding it.
I had training that day at work, and as I often do, I left my cell phone in my cubicle drawer and did not go back to get it until the end of the day. So I had no communication with Magan all day, and as I get back to my cubicle, I notice the message light on my office phone, then notice three missed calls on my cell phone... OH NO!!! I am in trouble is my initial thought...
Call #1: Hey Scott...After work can you please go to Walmart and get some Milk...and cream cheese...and pick up some pictures for me that I will print out later...and get some bananas too...Love you Magan
Call #2: Hey Scott...where are you at? Well, it is a pretty day...Me and the boys are going to go outside to let Sam drive his monster truck around.
Call #3: SCOTT...where are you? Sam had an accident in the monster truck. IT FLIPPED OVER with Sam and Davis in it. What do I need to do? I think we may go to the doctor.
Call #4: SCOTT...I don't know where you are, but we have a doctor's appt for 2:00pm this afternoon. Sam said his belly was hurting and both boys have bumps on their heads. I will call to let you know how it goes.
Break: At this point I am scared to death...but realize I have two messages I continue on the with messages anxious for what will come next. I have added my thoughts in parentheses.
Call #5: Hey Scott, this is Ricky down at Plant Farley...How ya doing? (AGHHHHH, Hurry up) I was just calling to check on that Tech Spec package that was ahhhhh coming down here...Did you happen to know when that would be ahhh (PLEASE STOP TALKING, WHY WILL MY PHONE SYSTEM NOT LET ME DELETE THIS MESSAGE) approved. Anyway if you could just call me back, I should be here (OK, HANG UP)...but if I'm not here...I will be in bright and early tomorrow morning around (DO I EVEN CARE) 7 or 7:15, so you can call me then. (FINALLY, DELETE)
Call #6: Scott, this is Magan...the doctor says the boys are fine, we are playing at the park, call me when you get this and we can meet for supper.
So was a very exciting 6 minutes listening to phone messages, but I guess Magan's day was a little more stressful. Maybe we can recreate the event later in pictures. :)