As most of you know we just got back from the beach. We went with Colby and Melissa (Scott's brother and his wife)
It was a lot of fun to go with them. They are expecting their first baby boy in Nov. I am afraid we may have overwhelmed them on the reality of child care while down there. I reassured them that having one is a lot easier than having two, and they would be able to work up to having two when they were ready.
Let me give you some of the overwhelming stories they encountered while with us. Davis did a lot of random screaming and didn't want to eat at meal time (which made our suppers a little crazy) b/c he cut 4 eye teeth while we were there. I could not see these teeth when we left on Mon. and they are half way through (all 4 of them) now.
Another effect of this teething process is VERY loose diapers. Two days in a row we had to leave the pool with a leaking diaper and one of these diapers blistered his bottom before we could change him.
So added to the teething he now has a sore bottom.
Twice on our trip home he had a diaper overflow. The second one led us to pull over on the side of the interstate for immediate attention. It had leaked down his leg, in his seat, and had ended up in his hand. CLOROX WIPES ARE THE BEST INVENTION. I noticed the smell first and turned to ask Davis is he had pooped and about that time Melissa said "I SMELL something" I hoped it wouldn't make the pregnant woman sick b/c it was grossing me out pretty badly.
Sam only had to be in trouble a few times, which helped ease the struggle we were having with little Davis.
Our lovely beach pictures up there came with a good bit of sweat and patience. Considering the conditions, I think that we got some beautiful shots, thanks to God's gorgeous sunset and ocean scene. As you will be able to see, Davis was a little less than cooperative and Sam wanted to look at the sand on almost every picture. If you plan to get beach pictures, I do not recommend hitting the beach with children any earlier than 6:30 this time of yr.
The times we hung out on the beach were AWESOME. Both of the boys loved the sand and played without complaint for hours. Davis had sand from head to toe to mouth and loved it! He also got tickled when the waves rolled up on his feet. Sam loved throwing the sand in the water and digging holes. Once the holes were dug Davis wanted to get in them. Every morning Sam got up with his boat and wanted to get in the "fwimming pool" or go to "da beach" Davis walked all the way from the beach shore to the pool in a short 20 min. I LOVED watching him toddle the whole way. When we got to the pool, he walked by the radio and started to break it down to the music. Both boys were always more than happy to see uncle "Toby" as sam calls him. The first morning we woke up at home, we heard Sam singing "toby's" name.

If I had remembered to put sunscreen on my back on the second day and Cloby hadn't burned his shoulders, I think we would have been out on the beach every day until Scott got out of his conference.
I have never been to the beach when there were no real waves until this trip. It was the strangest thing, but I think it had something to do with Fay coming through. We left the morning she was suppose to arrive, there were double red flags flying on the beach.

We loved our trip and our time with Colby and Melissa. We will look back and laugh at how much our trip experiences change as the kids get older. But for now, I am so glad that we have opportunities to experience these things with our family.

I love love love your pictures! The one with Scott kneeling with the boys is so sweet! As you know, we know all about diaper blowouts! In fact, when I dropped Max off at the nursery Sunday he was wearing a sweet little yellow bubble and when we picked him up he was wearing a brown t shirt that said "Big Man on Campus" and some sort of leggings they had put on him because of a leaking poopy diaper. (He is on antibiotics for an ear infection). We will look back on all these times and laugh! We'll even miss them! Leslie
Thanks for loving the pictures. I do too :) It is neat to think that one day those little boys walking with me will most likely be TALLER than me.
Sorry about the outfit, I hate it when that happens. My extra outfit (though not a big man on campus shirt) is never something nice. Antibiotic diapers are the worst.
Ya'll are such a sweet family! I love all the pictures you took. You really have a talent with taking pictures. Thanks for sharing them!
Thanks! I spent the day with Brenda and Ava yesterday. We had fun at the McWain Center.
Your pictures are always so sweet Magan... I can't wait until we get to go to the beach. Your blog makes me want to go right now!
My sister said the same thing :)
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