Twice yesterday, I noticed Sam's little brown eyes watching and learning. The first time was at the lunch table. We went to eat lunch with Dad at work. Of course, by the time I had gotten thru the line and had everyone situated, everyone else at the table had been eating for about 10 min. When Scott and I sat down and started to say the prayer to ourselves, I peeked up to see Sam with a confused look on his face b/c no one else at the table was praying with us. I realized he had never been in a situation like that, when we pray before a meal everyone normally had their head bowed. I explained to him that those guys had already "talked to God" because they were eating. He seemed satisfied with the explanation. Then that night I had been cooking for a family from church all afternoon and had to finish the pie and take the food over to their house. On a side note Davis stands at his booster seat and cries while I cook, b/c he wants to eat. (Which is the opposite of what Sam did at his age) Anyway, needless to say they weren't going to be able to eat with Mom tonight, there was no waiting on me to take the food over, Davis was STARVING.

Scott had everyone seated at the table and I was still standing at the sink mixing the pie. When I heard Scott begin to pray, I stopped what I was doing to bow my head and as I did I peeked over to see brown eyes watching me to see my reaction. This was a big reminder to me that my true character is seen through a child's eyes. They know when we are fake and when we live the life that we are training them to lead. What a responsiblity we have as parents! Little eyes also watch their big brothers and learn from them. A few days ago, the boys had gotten undressed to get into the tub. Sam went to the potty and baby Davis (who now stands and walks) stood beside him to see what he was doing. He watched intently and then began to wet the floor b/c he was a little to short to reach the potty like Sam. He saw what he was suppose to do there and did it :)
That is great, Max watches Briggs too and even says "tt" and runs to the potty, but then does nothing. Oh well, one day. Leslie
What sweet pictures! It is so true they are watching and learning. Have a great day!
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