This morning I woke up with high hopes for getting a lot done today. How quickly a mother's plans can change. Our plans were to run to two stores this morning and pick up supplies for a shower I am hosting this weekend, then meet Leslie and the kids for lunch at 11:00, go from there to meet the guys at the bowling alley for a quick game, and then go home for a nap.
As I left my house at 10:30, after a crazy morning of feeding them breakfast and dressing them, I realized I wasn't going to have time to run the errands. Then I found out Scott had a meeting that was running behind so he wouldn't be able to go bowling. So I decided to go straight to eat and then run errands.
When we got to Chik-fil-a we had a good but crazy lunch, which we should expect with 4 children :) I think we did get a few sentences out between being mommies.
Then as I started cleaning up to go, neither child wanted to leave the slide room. I thought about letting them play a little bit longer, but realized that Davis had filled his diaper and Sam was doing the pee pee dance. Still neither child wanted to leave voluntarily. So I carried one and drug the other, both wiggling and whining through the lunch time crowd to the potty. Sam still fought it but went to the potty as I cleaned Davis.
At the time I thought the worst must be over, but I didn't realize I was leaving my wipes behind in the Chik-Fil-a bathroom.
I had to turn on the DVD to keep them awake b/c both are ready for a nap. We went to the store where I had big decisions to make and I ended up needing to call and ask a second opinion from another hostess. Two times since I have been in the store, I have asked Sam if he needed to go potty and 2 times he said no. As I hung up the phone with my friend, I see that look on Sam's face and he says "I poopin'"
We ran to the bathroom were I discover he wasn't telling a story and while I am trying to clean him up he is sitting on the pot still going and talking. As I turn to get my wipes to wash him down, I realize I left them behind and do not have them!!! Thank goodness they had paper towels and soap!!!!! He said, "I sorry momma" and I calmed back down and reminded myself that he IS 3 yrs old.
We finally leave that store and get out at the next. Both boys are ready for bed and cranky so I am going in and out, right, wrong. We get to the front corner of the store opposite the bathroom that is all the way in the back and Sam says "I need go tee tee, right now" with the same look on his face. Here we go again, running thru the store. He did make it this time and I finally got them home and in the bed. You know, some days are better than others. :)

Ummmm, we had fun bowling. Yow, been there and DO NOT miss it. Sorry...
That other comment was from Rod. I have been in your shoes before and have had to use wet tp or paper towels. It seems that the boys always have to go poop when we are out and sometimes we still don't make it. I wish I had stayed to help you. Leslie
Don't feel bad, I had no idea everybody was going to fall apart :) It could always be worse, like now tp or paper towels!
Oh-I remember days like that! Hang in there! It does get easier after the potty training phase is over.
BTW, I love your new background!Your page looks great!
I just started laughing when I saw your title. I think every mother understands that phrase!! You always seem so patient with your boys, it is hard for me to imagine you frustrated though.
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