Animal Kingdom
This day the weather finally warmed up into the 70s, so it was much more comfortable. The days usually begin with me running to get a fastpass for later while the others make their way to the first show. This morning was no different, except that Sam had wanted to go with me for the fastpasses. So we headed towards Africa, while all of the others made their way towards Asia via Dinoland.
Sam was having some trouble keeping his pants up, and Magan had not packed his belt. He was running beside me constantly pulling up his pants, so I picked him up and just began carrying towards the Fastpasses. But we had some time so I stopped by a store and asked if anywhere would carry a child sized belt, two guys shook their heads no, but another younger Disney Cast member had an idea. Being as this was the Animal Kingdom, he suggested a dog collar that WERE sold in a store that was on our way. So it worked! We found a large dog collar that was just right for little Sam’s waist, and he was so proud of it because it had Mickey Mouse on it. In fact he wore it yesterday and proudly showed us that he can put it on all by himself.
So on to the Nemo show, then back to Dinoland (On the way, Sam got to see his favorite character...Goofy)to let the kids play. They loved this time playing on the slides forever then crossing the Dino bridge to the excavation site where they could dig up old dinosaur bones (or in Addy and Davis’ case, lay down in the sand and throw it on themselves).
After watching the Bug’s Life 3D show (Again scaring Davis and a little bit Sam), We then made our way to Africa to ride our safari, stopping at the Pizzafari for lunch. They have one of the best sandwiches in Disney…the Hot Italian…It is delicious if you get a chance. Anyway after waiting 30 minutes for our food, it was quite good.
Finally making it to the Safari ride, we found a 30 minute wait for the Fastpass line!, so we did what I thought we would never do…we rode the train out to Rafiki’s conservation station. Eli and Davis stayed with magan and Marcia on the train, while everyone else took the VERY long walk to the station. They had some neat spiders and snakes that Sam liked. And Sam was so happy to see the Rhinoceros. We also got to talk to a talking garbage can that was fun. Before leaving we looked at the petting zoo, but then realized Uncle James has all of these animals in his frontyard, so we skipped it.
Back to the Safari ride where Sam was again excited to see 1 – 2- 3- 4- 5 Rhinoceros, yet none of them were relieving themselves. Everyone then enjoyed Mt. Everest, then we made our way back to the front of the park to leave. Davis also found his favorite souvenir...Mickey and Tigger...who amazingly have made it back to the house. Everything he saw in every store...we heard that cute little voice "Hold it, Dad?" "Hold it"
We had dinner than night at the Rainforest Café, and after an extremely long wait, with kids very impatient, they seated us at the bar with all the alcohol right behind us. We could almost see the animals that we were so anxious to let the children see. So after explaining to the manager how disappointed we were, we were moved to a much better table and enjoyed the remainder of our meal. Davis fell asleep trying to eat, and Sam was happy to see the VOLCANO dessert.
It seems like all in all you had a good time, but I must be honest, I am glad it was you and not me! JK Everything that happened to ya'll seems like the kind of stuff that happens to us! Good times! I am glad ya'll are back.
What great memories! Love all the cute pictures! Hope you guys are doing well!
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