He has needed a haircut since we got back from Disney and I haven't been able to work out a time to take him. He has to go when Scott can join us and that is sometimes hard to coordinate. Sunday afternoon, about 5 min. before we left for church, I couldn't stand it any longer and knew it would again be the end of the week before we were able to meet and get it cut. I sat him on the counter and chopped one good chop that just so happened to be on the side where his cowlick (don't think I spelled that right) I can not describe how bad it looks, so I will include a picture.
The worst part is that I know they will have to cut it short to make it look decent and that breaks my HEART. I am just now recovering from the curl incident with Davis.
Another quick note about Blue. You know the boys both have their blankets that are SO loved and called Blue.
Well, until we went to Disney I can not remember one night that Sam has slept without his blue. While we were down there, he slept most nights without it or even asking for it. I felt a little twinge in my stomach, b/c I know that he is growing up. Last night we couldn't find either of his two blues. He did fine going to bed without them, b/c he knew that he was the one who had lost them.
I told Scott that night "Well, I think he is giving them up a little bit at a time."
This morning I heard a VERY excited little boy running toward me with BOTH blues in his hands. He was so worried about them after not having them last night that he got up this morning and searched until he found BOTH of them.
He has been carrying them around the house all day and I heard him squeezing them and kissing them when it was time for nap :)
Guess we will have a few more trips around the house to find the beloved blue, and that is fine with me :) I love to see his eyes light up when he is holding his friend, blue. I also love that he lays it on my cheek when he finds me lying down on the couch or in the mornings when he comes in my room and finds me still sleeping.
Little boys and curiousity. It only took them about 2 min. to pull the Armymen's pants down and let them toot :)
On Feb. 19th Davis turned 2!!!! We had a very simple party here at home this year. We thought the trip to Disney a pretty good exchange for a big party.
Mrs. Bene't at church made his yummy cupcakes for him and we added a few toys. The toy that turned out to be his favorite was Army man that Scott picked up for him. I love looking through the pictures b/c it is like he is studying Army man's face in about half of them. It's like he thought he was going to talk to him or something.
Maybe he was talking to him, I don't know :)
In the pictures Sam is wearing his FAVORITE pj's at the moment. He will wear them for 2-3 days before I tear them from his body to wash them. I say all of this to say that he did get dressed that day in real clothes. He just changed into to pj's as soon as we got home again.
I have to add a note about "deeego" Granny and Grandaddy got Davis a Diego with a cool truck and Davis calls for him and wants to sleep with both the truck and the little "Deeego"
That reminds me I need to add a note about Davis's entourage. This is what we call the massive amount of things that has to follow Davis to bed and then back out again in the mornings. I will post a picture. As he gets out of bed he looks over my shoulder and says in a desperate voice "friends!" If I ever try to leave them in the bed. And each time he is ready to go to sleep, we have to hunt them ALL down, b/c he doesn't forget ANY of them. It is cute and a little annoying :)
As I looked through my pictures I found this one and had to throw it in. If you know Davis very well, you know that he likes his space and claims his territory. Sometimes Sam wants to jump into that space and Davis almost always ends up crying. This is an example, both boys had just gotten up from nap, Sam was excited to see Davis and wanted to give him a kiss, Davis got mad and started crying and ran toward me to get away from Sam. He is an all or none kind of guy. Most of the time he will be all over you hugging and kissing, and the other times he don't want anything to do with you. We need a happy medium some plave :)
Happy Birthday Davis!
Loved all the pics---sorry about Sam's hair. I will grow back though. :) I know how much you love their hair though!
We need to chat soon!
Don't feel bad we did that one night (Wednesday night) when Morgan was little. It was before church and I just thought that she needed a haircut right then! It will grow back!
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