There will be waay more pictures than writing, but pictures are worth a thousand words right :)
I have been reading Scott's posts and have realized how hard it is to be the planner for a group of 9 people. He remembers the things that went wrong, but there were 5 things that went right for every one thing that went wrong. Thank you for all of your work, we love you dad!
We had a WONDERFUL trip and I am so thankful that we got to go with Marcia and her family. The memories we made will be so special to us always. It is rare that we get to see any of our family for long periods of time like that. When the kids were laughing and hugging each other, I wanted to cry. And when Davis cackled at and called for Marc in his little scruffy voice, I had to laugh with him. I loved having those sleepy eyed kids hug me and cuddle up to me on the couch. I hope to be able to do things like that with all of my family.
We stayed in this cute little Villa that reminded me of our house back at Grove Park. It was perfect for all of us to stretch out and enjoy being with each other. The little kids all loved the 2 steps at the bottom of the stairs. They played and jumped of them. Eli and Davis sat on them and talked their little language to each other.
Marcia and James had the loudest mattress you have ever heard,but since they keep all kinds of noise makers on in their room Eli wasn't bothered by it. But it was fun to joke about it and we also had to pick on Marcia for picking out a pink backpack for James to carry around the park. We laughed so much about it the first night we saw it that she didn't even take it into the park :)
Scott laughing at the backpack
We were absolutely freezing the first day and a little bit miserable at times. But the kids were loving the castle and all of the characters.
I think Davis thought that they were just one of his stuffed animals. He walked right up to them and hugged them and gave them 5. He would tell them "Bye, Bye" when it was time to go. By the end of the trip he skipped he hug and just backed up to them and sat down on their laps. That was one of my favorite things! He was so adorably cute being so short and not scared at all.
While he loved the animals, he hated any ride that was dark and any time he got cold.
Another favorite thing about this trip for me was that Scott and I got to ride some rides together and so did Marcia and I. Scott and I also got to ride Sam's favorite ride with him when normally we wouldn't have been able to. The Fast Choo Choo! He looked up at us with that little face and told us that we needed to do that again!
Marcia was quite hilarious on the Tower of Terror. By the time we got to the bottom the last time, she was telling the ride that "That is ENOUGH" Like it was listening to her or something.
Marcia and I also got to take Adeline for an all girls lunch with the princesses and we got to shop a little after that in the countries. It was sooo much fun and Ade wore her little princess dress. All of those pictures are on Marcia's camera so I will have to add them later.
Adeline was the funniest going to the back of Morocco and seeing Princess Jazmine. She was dancing around and wanted to go back in to tell her bye, but giggled and squirmed her way to the doorway and couldn't go any farther. Scott of course was prodding her along which made it even funnier.
I loved it when Davis started falling asleep at the Rainforest Cafe. He was sitting straight up in his seat and he kept nodding off. We got a great video of it, but it is REALLY long and is too hard to upload.
notice that he made them hold hands. He kept switching their heads and arms and stuff and laughing at how they looked.
I think that the kids had the most fun when we went back the magic kingdom on Monday. I will always remember a little bouncing Sam who made up the plan for us to go and ride the "doofy airplane" again.
The boys' favorite toys were for Sam the Mickey pirates and for Davis Snow White, the dwarfs, and "that guy" as he refers to the prince :)
Sylas LOVED Splash Mountain!
Nanny as Davis refers tp the fairy god mother.
1 comment:
Looks like oyu guys had a great time and have lots of wonderful memories. I have never been to Disney and cannot wait to take the kids one day. Thanks for sharing your trip.
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