Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bad Guys...

Sunday Morning I was playing with the boys as Magan was getting ready for church. We were playing with some action figures or as Sam and Davis call them...our guys. Then as we were walking down the hall to go to Sam's room, we heard a loud clanking noise. Now this is a normal clanking noise in our household, and it happens anytime anyone uses the shower/tub in our master bathroom. Most people would have probably tried to fix it by now...but I am really not the guy to do that, and by now, we are just used to it. Anyway...we heard the clank, and in a playful manner I whispered to the boys "Oh no, what was that?" Sam, not really caring that much, shrugged his shoulders and said "I dunt know" and continued on to his room. Davis then looked up at me with very serious eyes and whisped his answer to my question..."Bad Guys". Then his gun fingers on both little hands pointed towards the source of the noise and he started firing...pew pew pew...at those clanking bad guys.

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