Saturday, March 14, 2009

This Much...

Tucking Sam in last night I decided I would show him how much I loved him. I told him I loved him this much...then spread my arms all the way out and gave him a measure of my love. He smiled and said "I know". But then I asked him how much he loved Dad. He spread his hands about 6 inches apart and said "About this much". Thinking that he was not completly understanding this standard of measurement, I showed him again how much I loved him and he showed me again the small amount of love he had for me. Again wanting to confirm that he did not understand my measuring, I asked him "Well, how much do you love your Mom". He quickly stretched out his hands as far as they would go and said "This much". He then replied the same for Davis. I started laughing at this and he quickly joined in as well.

I realized he did understand that measurement, I just don't compare to our sweet Mom and Davis. :) As I finally stop giggling at his little answers I told him "Well that is OK, as long as you know your dad loves you THIS MUCH..."

Another Disney Pic...probably a repeat...but that is all I have on my computer.

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